Recent content by ingeni10

  1. ingeni10

    Resolved Apache is functioning normally

    Ok, what I`ve done is to change the domain to "" and create the pointer as alias to "". Then I could access to wp-admin, and there I've changed Wordpress(URL) and Site(Url) to "". Afterthat, I deleted the pointer and...
  2. ingeni10

    Resolved Apache is functioning normally

    I have the A record in my registar done since yesterday. Now, I changed the name of the domain in DirectAdmin (DirectAdmin web control panel: Account manager -> Domain Setup - > Rename domain to ""). It seems that it works in Opera and Edge, but doesn`t in IE. Moreover...
  3. ingeni10

    Resolved Apache is functioning normally

    Thank you very much Anna, I've made only one A record: hostname "" address, deleting the others A records. And a www CNAME address "" In this moment, it appears "Apache is functioning normally" instead of the blank page. Wordpress...
  4. ingeni10

    Resolved Apache is functioning normally

    It seems that subdomains like "" or "" works (showing "" instead of ""). But "" doesn't. My wordpress config is: Wordpress (URL)...
  5. ingeni10

    Resolved Apache is functioning normally

    Yes, I changed today because I was not receiving forwarded emails. So I also forwarded from my provider to the "", but it shows the Apache message.
  6. ingeni10

    Resolved Apache is functioning normally

    Hello, I get that message when I try to access to "" (I have it redirected by "" and configured wordpress with url "") Access to Panel is correct. Thank you in advance.
  7. ingeni10

    Change my domain

    I think now it's ok! Thank you very much Anna and rmsx10ho. ;)
  8. ingeni10

    Change my domain

    Thank you! It almost works. It only fails in the "home" (inicio) link of wordpress, that maintains the x10 url. I've changed WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL), and the "link" that appears in the "current installation" of softaculous panel.
  9. ingeni10

    Change my domain

    I'll wait 2 days then, and if it doesn't work, I'll try with the "addon domain". Unless any admin tells me another thing... Thank you very much for your help.
  10. ingeni10

    Change my domain

    Yes, that is how it is. I mean that when I write "" or "" in the address bar of Chrome, it appears "" instead of maintaining "". And if I try to create an "addon domain", I am forced to add a...
  11. ingeni10

    Change my domain

    Ok. Thank you. The problem is that when I write "" in the address bar, it appears "". That is why I wanted to make the primary domain.
  12. ingeni10

    Change my domain

    Should be "aliases"? I can only configure one aliase. -> Problem: aliases show the url My cPanel is like this
  13. ingeni10

    Change my domain

    I can find "switch theme" in "dashboard". But I can only select "basic" or "x10x3". And the second one (x10x3) does not have "Parked Domains" O_o The theme is, according to the urls, paper lantern.
  14. ingeni10

    Change my domain

    Hello, The problem is that I can't find "Park domain" anywhere. There are site publisher, addon domains, subdomains, aliases, redirects, simple zone editor and advanced zone editor. cPanel 56.0.22 This is the first domain, so the "addon domain" would be for another "web" in my hosting space...
  15. ingeni10

    Change my domain

    Hello, I registered and I have with namesilo, where I configured a cloacked forward to x10host in order to maintain the URL, but I think it is not a good solution. So, I've already changed nameservers in namesilo, using