I can not login to my email account to get the email to reset my password looks like they might have deleted my account. Can someone please reset my password and PM it to me my Email I have been using is Recordking@GMX.com
I have been with forums for 5 to 7 years I have never had to reset my...
I have not been able to login to the cpanel for like 5 to 6 months now luckily my site has not been deleted yet. I am able login then I see this mess get this message
What is up?? My website address is
Do not ask me what server my site is on...
I was making some change to my wordpress site the main page got delete some how by chance is the backup from the last 3 to 5 days. If there is a backup could be install it again thanks.
Here is the link to the site http://www.internetradiodirectory.x10host.com/
I just installed Mybb for the 2nd site in my account through Softaculous and it is not loading here is the domain for the new site http://musiccreators.x10host/mybb
What is up??
[Mod Edit]: Corrected Link
Can my site be recovered?? If not screw it I am done you should have sent out emails and given use like 10 days notice to get backup before the control panel change.