Recent content by matthe93

  1. M

    Resolved Yet another 'Apache is functioning normally' thread

    Everything is back up! I'll be sure to have monthly reminders to log in so I don't rely on email. Thank you :D
  2. M

    Resolved Yet another 'Apache is functioning normally' thread

    Hello, When I try to access my website, I get an "Apache is functioning normally" message. When I try to log in, I get this: I've read that this is because of that purge that happened mid-December. Would it be possible to restore my site? If not could I log in to salvage my database or at...
  3. M

    POST request size limit?

    Hmm I see, yeah I could fix it programmatically but it seems hacky and it would only exist because of this server's rules. In the end I just used heroku :P But thanks for giving it a try on your end and responding :) Much appreciated
  4. M

    POST request size limit?

    I thought mod_security was about preventing threats and stuff; how can filtering words achieve that goal? Also, is there any way to circumvent this or is it paid only (I read somewhere that free users can't touch any security settings x10hosting puts in place)
  5. M

    POST request size limit?

    well, the parameters without the two words work fine, and the request also works when there are no parameters, so commenting out the data parameter works
  6. M

    POST request size limit?

    it's a backtick, it can also be used to represent a string literal in JS, along with " and ' I've tried it with " and ' but the problem persists.
  7. M

    POST request size limit?

    OK, I've whittled the problem down to a really bizarre problem. Basically, I can't have the words "hentai" or "pet girl" in my request parameters. The words have to be on their own; they cannot be used in a sentence, or else I will receive 404 or 403 errors (except "pet girl", which doesn't...
  8. M

    POST request size limit?

    So I've done some more toying around and I've found that it's probably not the quantity of the requests, but the actual data being transferred across. One message, containing around 70k characters, results in a 404 error, but another message containing around 100k characters works fine. My...
  9. M

    POST request size limit?

    I have a website that can accept POST requests. In this site, I'm transferring a lot of data. However, when my POST parameter reaches a certain length (around 220,000 characters), I start getting a 404 error on the request, saying that the php file cannot be found. It seems there's some kind...
  10. M

    Can't connect to MySQL

    Never mind guys, I got it :) In case you have the same problem, I manually deleted my cache in the var/cache directory, and that miraculously worked. I've been at this problem for so long. It's 5 in the morning. I'm going to sleep.
  11. M

    Can't connect to MySQL

    I'm hosting a symfony3 application and I have the parameters all set up correctly in parameters.yml: database_host: 'localhost' database_port: '3306' database_name: 'matthe93_portfolio' database_user: 'matthe93_matthew' database_password: '******' I am 100% sure I have the...