Recent content by NMAClub

  1. N

    How NOT to use powerpoint

    I've seen many a powerpoint like that. The animations one, in my opinion, is the most true. People just love to put annoying and confusing animations on the slide. I prefer simple fade-ins for the items that need to be animated.
  2. N

    I have never had another forum do this...

    It wants me to have 3 posts before I can PM, even though I was told by support to send a PM! I know that it's probably an anti-spam measure, but all anti-spam stuff seems to do is annoy the users; I have never seen anything actually stop a determined spambot. Anyway, this is partially to...
  3. N

    Who here saw Ironman

    I'm planning on seeing Iron Man sometime before it's out of theaters. I just haven't had a chance yet.
  4. N

    Hi, I'm new.

    Well, I was recently appointed the new webmaster of a club in my area, and decided that we needed to move away from the featureless freewebs account that was being used. I was specifically looking for a host that provided an SQL server, so that I could place a CMS page up and delegate control...
  5. N

    DNS and CPanel problems...

    I registered for a site, and it went through properly, but I'm having a lot of problems actually getting to the site. When I put in the URL for the website, I get a DNS error page. If I try to go to the cPanel, I end up with an error stating "Cannot establish a connection to the server" All the...