Recent content by pabliman_51

  1. pabliman_51

    Missing database

    i'm on boru server but i logged into cpanel and like the other users i dont see my sql data bases associated with my account and either i cant log to phpmyadmin.
  2. pabliman_51

    Missing database

    I have the same problem. Firts it says restricted access then Database Error: Unable to connect to the database:Could not connect to MySQL.
  3. pabliman_51

    Cpanel del server boru no carga

    Esta raro, yo si puedo entrar. Aver que te dicen los masters :)
  4. pabliman_51

    MySQL error

    Database Error: Unable to connect to the database:Could not connect to MySQL Also i enter to the boru cpanel/ MySQL and try to make one, and apparently it creates. But when i return to the homepage of Cpanel i see that i dont have any SQL DataBases. page Thx in advance.
  5. pabliman_51

    Site doesnt exist

    Ok its solved Thx You can close this thread
  6. pabliman_51

    Site doesnt exist

    I have done it, and stills appearing the same error. Can i make a new domain? cause this seems to be deleted.
  7. pabliman_51

    Site doesnt exist

    No, i delete the files that where in public_html. But still giving the same error. Here is a picture Well can you reset my the default one.
  8. pabliman_51

    Site doesnt exist

    First i can't access to my cpanel, now i can access it. Then i try to enter my webpage"" and it saids: Website espicified does not exist The domain you have requested is currently not in use under an x10Hosting web hosting account. What happen?.
  9. pabliman_51

    Mi pagina dice que no existe

    Ya puedo entrar al cpanel y entro al file manager y veo todos mis archivos en orden, pero a la hora de entrar a mi pag me dice que esta pagina no existe. Espero su pronta ayuda. Gracias.
  10. pabliman_51

    is Free Hosting down?

    I have the same problem, i cant acces my webpage...:frown:
  11. pabliman_51

    No puedo ingresar a Cpanel

    Es mas ni me abre la pagina de cpanel que esta en Mi pagina web que tengo con Joomla instalado apenas y carga pero los templates se ven mal, además me sale este error: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in...