Recent content by padodanle5122

  1. P

    Gears of War 3

    I've seen video's about it, it's look greeat. I will see in some month for buying it. New games are too expensive.
  2. P

    the best games ever

    Diablo II LoD
  3. P

    Good Old Games

    My favourite site for old game is this one: It's in French but many games are in english.
  4. P

    Whats The Last Game You Bought?

    Finally, DNK doesn't seems as good as I hope, so I haven't buy it. Now I'm waiting for Deus ex
  5. P

    Whats The Last Game You Bought?

    Angry Bird :P
  6. P

    Whats The Last Game You Bought?

    Total war: shogun 2
  7. P

    Whats The Last Game You Bought?

    Like usal, an old game: Syberia
  8. P

    Whats The Last Game You Bought?

    Halo reach!! So great :-)
  9. P

    Whats The Last Game You Bought?

    How to loose your money???: Warcraft 3, because I lost my frst one, just for play one hour with a friend... :-(
  10. P

    Best Linux Distribution

    Ubuntu 8.04 I'm loving it
  11. P

    Whats The Last Game You Bought?

    Need For Speed 3. yes the 3!! (I've lost it, so my collection wasn't complete, fortunately it was only 5€)
  12. P

    Whats The Last Game You Bought?

    I'm going to buy GT5 today
  13. P

    Whats The Last Game You Bought?

    Splinter Cell
  14. P

    My page return 404 error

    Hi For an obscure reason my WebPage: return a 404 error Could you help me to know what appens? Thanks a lot