Recent content by proje129

  1. proje129

    Want to critique my personal blog site?

    12.9MiB? Wow I didn't even take that into consideration he said it was handoded so I assumed...
  2. proje129

    Want to critique my personal blog site?

    Well the design is flawless, I love it, maybe a bit too professional almost as if you used a template or site builder of sorts but it's ok, the only main gripe I have about the site is that it is a bit slow at loading, which just screams site builder to me site builder but besides that good...
  3. proje129

    MLP Thread

    Wow I sure was expecting someone to say "Dirty Bronies" so I'll say it. You dirty bronies. But now then isn't it just a wonderful show? I personally like how it is different from other kids shows by referencing back to old episodes as if it did happen, because it did, there are many guilty...
  4. proje129

    change web address

    I would like to change the web address of my site, I am trying to get a new image of what my site should be like, so i am changing its name, any ideas?
  5. proje129

    x10 blocking sockets/UDP -PHP

    Oh ok its cool I'm about to make my site premium so i can do the tcp and udp ports but, im still having trouble with the database....
  6. proje129

    x10 blocking sockets/UDP -PHP

    Wow I didn't think I'd get much feedback, I feel love >-<. But back to the matter at hand here, yes it could possibly be done with the post method because techinically I am quering pocketmine servers (For minecraft pocket edition) and they run plugins in PHP, the only problem is, I don't know...
  7. proje129

    x10 blocking sockets/UDP -PHP

    Ok so before i buy the full .com for my website using x10premium I want to make sure that all my code works, so I tried testing out a php script that would query a Minecraft (video game) server and ask for how many people thare are, who is playing, whos the owner, you know regular video game...