Recent content by purpled2

  1. purpled2

    Not sure where togo from here-

    Only after that cloud fare scare did X10 Hosting decided to permanently suspend my account. Well, I really believe that the decision was rash and premature. But, I do understand, Those with a long standing free service either are booted [Removed] Or they eventually spend money to keep the...
  2. purpled2

    It's always the same, Out with the Little people, and keep the people who are willing to pay.

    It's always the same, Out with the Little people, and keep the people who are willing to pay.
  3. purpled2

    Not interested in anything here, since the Devs don't want me anymore.

    Not interested in anything here, since the Devs don't want me anymore.
  4. purpled2

    Account suspended?

    I have no idea what happened, and I cannot access the control panel either. All is lost...:cry: Just when I started to work on a new site so that I can erase the old one. :(
  5. purpled2

    Not sure where togo from here-

    Good Day! A Long while back - I had an inquiry about installing a NEW FORUM. Now my question is, can I install another software along side the one i have already have without it being overwritten? I ask because then, I can manually transfer all my links over to the new site. Since I already...
  6. purpled2

    Is it possible to upgrade from an existing cms to another or make the change?

    What I mean is, is it possible to upgrade with all the content intact to another Cms? or do I have to start from scratch?
  7. purpled2

    Images Not loading??

    Hi there, Yes- I did some research and it seems that it also may be attributed to something to do with Picasa No showing Images even though they are in a "shared" folder. Oddly enough, those images that i have on Picasa Only show after I log in. I retrospect, I tried different browsers, all with...
  8. purpled2

    Images Not loading??

    Recently, I researched the fact that some images don't load or just show a "Broken Link", So I tried to check some of the files themselves that are uploaded and re-named them more appropriately, but still has the same effect. Is there something that I am overlooking, The other Issue is, I cant...
  9. purpled2

    DNS Trouble

    OH THANK YOU! As always you guys are awesome!
  10. purpled2

    DNS Trouble

    Hello! I guess I have to open a New thread about my DNS troubles. I did notice that there was an update to the .htacess files i guess im the unfortunate one affected, Though i have no idea were its located or were to find it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. My website...
  11. purpled2

    Help: DNS unresolved

    I just read the thread concerning the new Update to .htaccess file, Unfortunately I have no idea where to look for it, and don't even know where it is located. If someone could help me update that file in order to resolve the DNS error I would greatly appreciate it...
  12. purpled2

    Help: DNS unresolved

    I am also experiencing the same problem, at first, I thought that it may be something on my end, I tried to reboot my Pc a few times, and still the same thing. So is this something that can be resolved soon?
  13. purpled2

    Unauthorized URL Re-directs

    This is exactly the Service I absolutely Adore!, Very soon I will upgrade my membership!! <3<3<3
  14. purpled2

    Unauthorized URL Re-directs

    Ty for your prompt reply, Would you believe, I'm getting bombarded from some forum, that I have a Malicious attack site? Which brings my next Idea, Is there any way to add my site to service that certify;s my site as a 100% Non malicious site?
  15. purpled2

    Unauthorized URL Re-directs

    Hello, Just recently I have been getting a flurry of Re-directs from my own website to a site Known as "" Prompting me to install Java? Has this anything to do with cloudfare service? Also, do you know How to get rid of it? I will try and disable cloudfare, or maybe it's a...