Recent content by spottybutterfly

  1. spottybutterfly

    Game: Team A Vs. Team B

  2. spottybutterfly

    Need name

    what about twitit
  3. spottybutterfly

    x10 forum attendance sheet

    neteater Soki sarvar leafypiggy vigge_sWe ichwar diabolo coldfirezz akkudreamz Smith6612 alexandgruntz LHVWB ichwar neteater akkudreamz IonCannon218 Briganti i2006 ichwar makj111 leafypiggy nexhunter sarvar Stunna akkudreamz neteater nterror ichwar akkudreamz ichwar...
  4. spottybutterfly

    The Ctrl+V game

    LGBT Forums was recently set up as a friendly forum where anyone is welcome. One of the creators, Flutterby, wrote this: Welcome to the site, hope you would like to come and join the fun, we started this site because both of us (me and SAXA), on separate occasions (about 5 years apart) tried to...
  5. spottybutterfly

    Same Sex Parents?

    I havent read all the thread yet, but in my opinion its better for a child to have same sex parents, where they get the love and support of two people, than for a child to only have one parent. And when people talk about gay parents fostering and adopting in my opinion its better for a child...
  6. spottybutterfly

    FREE Traffic? The Honest How-To Guide

    Thanks for your guide, its been helpful im me thinking how to get traffic to my friends forum (that im a admin on). We have 1 real member so far, everyone else is just our multiple accounts or friends.
  7. spottybutterfly

    Are two different accounts alowed in the same household?

    Thanks for the quick reply, i realize from reading the form there has previous been problems with people having multiple accounts (to get credits- not that i understand them yet mind) so thats why i thought i would ask before helping her set an account up.
  8. spottybutterfly

    Are two different accounts alowed in the same household?

    I joined yesterday and have my account set up, my mum wants to dabble in to learning how to make a website, im gonna show her what to do, and how to set up a wordpress blog. But before she registers for a hosting account i want to make sure it is allowed, having 2 people in the same household...
  9. spottybutterfly

    Hi im a noob

    thankyou, hopefully that will help when can sort out FTP.
  10. spottybutterfly

    Hi im a noob

    Hi i just signed up for the free hosting, and no doubt im gonna be asking for plenty help while i set this up, my site is currently hosted by a online "friend" and im wanting to move my wordpress site from his server, i was practically spoon fed as to how to use FTP and wordpress so expect me to...