Recent content by stocks

  1. S

    Why is my account suspended?

    Oh. So how do I do that?
  2. S

    Why is my account suspended?

    Well, for one thing, I don't have any ads.
  3. S

    Why is my account suspended?

    The reason given is "No ads" which makes no sense.
  4. S

    still can't use get_file_contents

    I applied for the advanced php configuration, but it's been "application pending" for quite a while now.
  5. S

    php get_file_contents function

    How do I go about getting the php get_file_contents function enabled?
  6. S

    Are there any Vista users out there who don't hate it?

    and is there anything like a legal XP clone?
  7. S

    Can't create a web disk

    When I try to download the web disk interface, I keep getting a message saying the the username or password is incorrect, but I enter the same ones I used to create the web disk.
  8. S

    I can't get to my cpanel.

    I had to switch to a different computer. Could you please tell me how to find the url to my cpanel?
  9. S

    How do I escape an ampersand in a url?

    I want to use file_get_contents to read a url, but it can't read the second arg because it seems to stop at the ampersand.
  10. S

    what is your path to php?

    /usr/bin/php ? /usr/local/bin/php ? door number three ?
  11. S

    cronjob won't run

    a php script. I can run it manually by clicking it from the file manager so I know it runs, but when I enter it as a cronjob nothing happens. I entered the address as /home/stocks/public_html/stocks/sp500_daily_quotes.php and set it up to run once a day Mondays thru Fridays.
  12. S

    cronjob won't run

    I searched the forums for cronjob but didn't find any help. Could somebody tell me if cron is enabled and if crond is running?
  13. S

    WinRAR or WinZIP

    Personally I prefer PowerArchiver. It's free and it's powerful. What more could you want?
  14. S

    PHP or Java Script?

    For me the deciding factor is speed. If you need high speed on the server side use PHP. If you need high speed on the client side use JAVASCRIPT.
  15. S

    php fopen function is disabled

    What does "donating credits or giving me rep" mean?