Recent content by superspidey1944

  1. S

    By June 2012, what version do you think Firefox will be at?

    Don't you think this doesn't worth noticing the new versions of firefox are coming out like hen's egg just a new feature and the mozilla foundation releases a new version. Think when we were using firefox 1 and there was a rumor for firefox 2 we were very excited every rums had the same news...
  2. S

    Which is your best screen recording software?

    My Favs Is Hypercam
  3. S

    Windows or Linux?

    Despite of better security linux don't have enough softwares. and some softwares are very large like i once tried to download bit torrent client it was of about 50-60 MB and also windows is a user friendly OS so no tough work required.
  4. S

    Which linux distribution is more stable?

    On what basis and wat stability means for you BTW here are best three linux distros:- 1.Ubuntu 11.04 and 11.10 2.Fedora 3.Arch
  5. S

    Which processor is better?

    Better Look for core series i3, i5 or i7 dual core worth nothing, and quad may be useful