Recent content by sweetlyx

  1. S

    Slow Website & Error 503 Backend fetch failed

    Hi, could you share the fix? Thanks
  2. S

    Redirecting you to x10hosting

    Hey guys (and gals), Just facing a problem, when I visit my website. I get a redirecting error. I've cleared my DNS cache error. I just created this website a few days ago, and I am just wondering if this problem is for everyone or just for me. Thanks, lyx
  3. S

    I wasn't inactive, why'd you suspend my account? Nor did I break a TOS.

    Once again, thanks for removing my suspension, though I am unable to login to the control panel, I get a page like this I've cleared my cache and tried again.
  4. S

    I wasn't inactive, why'd you suspend my account? Nor did I break a TOS.

    Thank you so much :) I am very grateful. I hope to be getting the premium plan soon to circumvent this 30 day suspension
  5. S

    I wasn't inactive, why'd you suspend my account? Nor did I break a TOS. My site is I wasn't inactive, I visit my website frequently, we get a lot of visitors (at least 5-10 a day), I haven't broken any of the TOS. Why was my website suspended? My account was suspended also, so I couldn't really go into the control...