Recent content by waveking

  1. W

    open_basedir restriction in effect?

    My site was working properly, but all of a sudden since about last 2 days, i started getting this error. What can be the reason? error: Warning: fopen(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/output/file.tmp) is not within the allowed path(s)...
  2. W

    Urchin fails with error

    My Urchin stats is giving me "Unable to get profile id from configuration database" error. Could an admin help me here please? My username is wk9 Thanks.
  3. W

    csv files allowed?

    Hi, My php script generates a plain text file by the extension of csv, my ajax calls this file later on, but somehow it is not always returned by the server. Is this not allowed, and hence might be getting blocked?
  4. W

    adding new MIME filetype

    Hi, I added the following line to .htaccess which I placed in my www folder AddType application/x-xpinstall .xpi But, I am not sure if my .htaccess is working. I hope we can use htaccess in our accounts?