Search results

  1. arkaen

    MyBB forum Running Excrutiatingly Slow

    Every page on my forum takes ages to load. I'm not sure why. Even with all of the plugins disabled it still goes slow. It is not my internet. Please let me know if the server I am hosted on is having difficulties. Admin CP functions take 5 minutes to load, if they even decide to. Loading the...
  2. arkaen

    Unable to connect to FTP

    I have been unable to connect to my FTP server to upload phpBB. Server: username: password: (my password) port: 21 Every time I get "Could not connect."
  3. arkaen

    League of Legends

    Just wondering if there are any avid League of Legends gamers here @ X10. It's a Free 2 Play Action RTS game. I really get a kick out of playing as there are some adrenaline packed moments that send your heart racing and your fingers dancing. I guess thats why its so popular. :biggrin: There are...