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  1. P

    It's Deja Vu all over Again: Website Timeout, thanks to WP!

    It's the same old "Same Old", all over again....twice! Everything working fine until any write / upload command is invoked in WordPress, then a website timeout and an IP Block. It's happened twice today: Early this morning and then again just now. No sense repeating details you already know...
  2. P

    By Golly...Website Timeout, looks like WP

    IP Block was released about 2:34 PM, logged into x10, Hosting Control Panel and website Admin worked fine. Logged into WP, any write / upload to WP causes a timeout and IP Block. (as Gomer Pyle would exclaim "Surprise, surprise!") Any help at all would be welcome. ;-)
  3. P

    Remote Wordpress import

    I think I'm having problems with my WP installation, any write / upload within WP results in a temporary IP Block. x10Hosting's been essentially useless to this point, even to acknowledge any problems :-( Good luck!
  4. P

    You Guessed it! Website times out again.

    Cleared my browser cache, flushed my DNS Cache, renewed my DHCP Lease, checked with my Internet Provider that all was Ok shut down my computer, router, modem booted it all back up surfed over to Pinging the site was problematic until about the 50th ping, but then...
  5. P

    And...the Website times out AGAIN! :-(

    Logged into Wordpress from website (once the IP Block was lifted) and let it sit all night. Tried using WP just now... Could navigate Dashboard and read posts, even make *minor* changes to text. After about 5 minutes received the dreaded timeout, entire site now unavailable. Unsurprisingly...
  6. P

    Yep...Website times out AGAIN! :-(

    Tried the site again just now, and.... Website navigation works fine. Can log into WordPress and navigate / read posts. Any write command to WP causes a timeout of the entire website. Of course traceroute points to X10: Because this is now repeatedly happening with no adequate response or...
  7. P

    Website times out again! :-(

    Tried the site again just now, and.... Website, x10 login, and Host Control Panel options all work fine. DID NOT log into WP. Navigated and viewed files in my public_html folder. After about 10 minutes received "Unable to connect to the network". Subsequent requests timed out. This is like...
  8. P

    Website times out again! :-(

    Tried the site again just now, and.... Website, x10 login, and Host Control Panel options all work fine. Can log into WordPress and read posts using Dashboard. Any write command to WP causes a timeout of the entire website. On August 11, 2024, you wrote: You also stated rules change daily...
  9. P

    Website times out again! :-(

    Tried the site again just now, see previous message.
  10. P

    Website times out again! :-(

    Tried the site again just now, site's back up but, once again, same problem when logging into WP. Don't know if it's WP itself, my implementation of WP (it's not current), X10, or something else. VERY frustrating!
  11. P

    Website times out again! :-(

    Using WP results in website timeout. Unknown if WP is the actual culprit. Website's down just for my IP. Traceroute stalls at singlehop :banghead: See previous post of August 10, 2024 for the usual details. (...
  12. P

    BTW: Website Timeout (Again!), but only for ME (Again!) :-/

    Thank you for your reply. Be advised my IP Address is static AFAIK.
  13. P

    Poll: Can You Access Your Website?

    Users are reporting they're unable to access their website using a specific IP Address, but can using any other. Most are reporting access using their cellphone but not (I presume) their lap/desktop. Let's see just how pervasive this problem might be. Note you can only make one choice and have...
  14. P

    BTW: Website Timeout (and Again!), but only for ME (and Again!) :-/

    See this thread: SOS: Same old stuff. Was able to navigate through my website and work on my WordPress blog until I went to write something to X13 Server, then FUBAR. And, of course, a timeout...
  15. P

    Why is X10hosting blocking my IP address while I am working on my website?

    FYI: I'm not a computer expert, but have you tried logging into X10 from your phone? And is that IP eventually blocked? I'm wondering if X10's Immunify360 rules are a bit conservative. Here's a backgrounder on how Immunify's IP ratings work...
  16. P

    IP blocked?

    Same here. Site dies, can log into X10 but Hosting Control Panel times out. While X10 gets back to us perhaps this thread might be informative: Note in the past X10's mentioned problems with their...
  17. P works unstable

    I'm having the same problem: (1) Site works for awhile, then (2) times out, then (3) Go back to (1). Still troubleshooting, but it seems I can navigate my site but as soon as I edit my WordPress the site times out. Haven't checked if it's WordPress or any attempt to save any files on X10...
  18. P

    BTW: Website Timeout (Again!), but only for ME (Again!) :-/

    Been down this road a couple times before. (1) Normal website access (2) Log into WordPress (3) Use WP for a couple of minutes (say, to edit a post) (4) Save or Preview a posting - times out (5) Subsequent actions timeout (6) Cannot access website - times out (7) Wait awhile (seems to be about...
  19. P

    See how many people have visited my website

    FYI: A good website traffic logger is - fairly easy to install (code snippet on each page being tracked), and its' dashboard is more user-friendly. It also has a Free Plan if you only want to see basic stats. Been using it for years, very happy with it :)
  20. P

    BTW: X13 Hosting Control Panel Timeout (Again!)

    After further investigation here's what I've determined: (0) Hello World! (1) My entire website, including Wordpress (WP), works fine (2) Using WP in *some manner* results in a timeout error for the entire site and x10 Hosting Panel Examples of "some manner": - A redirect from my...