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  1. P

    Review My Site

    Its ok, there is a lot of green, but i cant see anything wrong with it. I think you have a violation of x10, because the corporate banner advertisement has to be at the top of the page, where yours it at the bottom. You can get your account suspended for this. Good luck ghoblin!
  2. P

    Splitting result into multiple colunms

    ok so basically i have a list of games, and i need them to display in 6 columns and i want them to order down first, so i know there is a way to do it, but my google skills have failed me and i havent been able to get the result i wanted. Thanks
  3. P

    Please critique my website

    the only thing that i would change is the blue border, it hurts my eyes on some of the images. Other than that it is good. keep it up Good Luck timothy.taylor!
  4. P

    Please Comment N Suggest For my Website

    I dont like the navigation bar, you should have rounded corners to make it match the rest of your site, and the part where you have the rounded corners it ends after the text, you might want to fix that. the colors are good, the rest of the site is good. Good luck sourabhj!
  5. P

    My portfolio

    I cant see anything wrong with the site, the only thing that didn't seem great, but was still good was the background, im not a fan of patterned backgrounds, but thats a personal choice Good Luck
  6. P

    give it a look-see

    I like the moderness of it, but there is a lot of blank space. I think that the content could be moved around closer together for a better look Good Lick mstetzik!
  7. P

    Splitting result into multiple colunms

    Ok i have been searching on google for this, but i have not been able to find what i need, so i came here. I have this mysql query and i would like it to diplay in 5 rows, like this 1. 4. 7. 10. 13. 2. 5. 8. 11. 14. 3. 6. 9. 12. 15. Thanks...
  8. P

    Use .htaccess to redirect everyone except you

    djalam to make a custom 404 page to redirect for your website should be ErrorDocument 404 YOUR URL HERE ex: ErrorDocument 404 /error/404.html Good Luck djalam!
  9. P

    how to create a members only pic folder

    yes you can do it with a username and password, the only way i know how to do it is with a php login system, im not sure how to do it with a website builder. If you want a good log in system i would suggest and then not allow anyone unless they are logged in. Good...
  10. P

    Review My Website

    i like the website layout a lot, it has nice colors, i dont see anything wrong. Good Luck patriot001!
  11. P

    Guess Who Posts Next

    Not really, tried it but have no use I guess someone who is higher than me