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  1. as4s1n

    Javascript and radio buttons help

    Oh, I guess I overlooked that, Duly noted.
  2. as4s1n

    HTML/Javascript Form Help Please

    For the first, you could try to create an element using javascript when the input is correct function validateForm() { // Get the variables var name = document.getElementById("name").value, // Value of name field place = document.getElementById("place").value, // Value of place field...
  3. as4s1n

    Javascript and radio buttons help

    So if you were to try to check if either were selected would this work? var radio1 = document.getElementById("radio1"); radio2 = document.getElementById("radio2"); check1 = (radio1.checked) ? 'radio1' : false; check2 = (radio2.checked) ? 'radio2' : false; error =...
  4. as4s1n

    PHP resource error #6

    For future reference. Would it have been OK to separate each user into an array, run a FOR loop and include the entire function? $toUsers = explode(",",$toUsers); $i; for($i=0;$i<sizeof($toUsers);$i++) { $query = "SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = '".$toUsers[$i]."'"...
  5. as4s1n

    MySQLi connection

    What is the difference between a mysql connection and a mysqli connection? I was reading a PHP book that uses mysqli connection and has a way to make sure sql injections do not happen using the mysqli_real_escape_string(). Would I have to change the way I form my queries at all or is it just a...
  6. as4s1n

    PHP inbox script returns 1 row

    Oh, OK. I get it now. Thank you.
  7. as4s1n

    PHP inbox script returns 1 row

    My PHP script for a PM (private message) inbox only returns one row and I am not sure what is wrong. <a href="index.php?p=createMessageForm">Create Message</a> <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" id="inbox"> <tr> <th width="300">From</th><th width="500">Subject</th><th...
  8. as4s1n

    PHP resource error #6

    Thanks for explaining it so well.
  9. as4s1n

    PHP function reference

    That was really the problem I was trying to fix: A simple way to write one to two lines of code that will run whenever I need it and display a custom error message: "There is an error" to the user and write to an errors file "errors.log" that I would look at and see what is wrong and how to fix...
  10. as4s1n

    PHP resource error #6

    OHH, thank you, that makes much more sense now. Please ignore my previous questions
  11. as4s1n

    PHP resource error #6

    Thanks for the help. I do, however, have a few questions on what you did. Now, I notice when you define $msg as :subject and again at $msg as :message, what does the : do? From my guess it is the same as the superglobal $_REQUEST[]. Also, later in that statement, you use the ?, I have seen that...
  12. as4s1n

    PHP resource error #6

    Is there a way to return the line it is on like when you get an unhandled error?
  13. as4s1n

    PHP resource error #6

    I was working on a private message system and I ran into a huge problem. Whenever they go to send a message, they get a custom error message and I get an error that reads Resource error #6. Here is my code: <?php $toUsers = explode(',',$_REQUEST['toUser']); $subject =...
  14. as4s1n

    PHP function reference

    Cool, thanks. I have a question. Would you be able to include mysql_error() as one of the parameters of a function i.e. writeError(mysql_error()) Or would there be a different way to do that? I do not think mysql_error() would work globally if I used that inside my function
  15. as4s1n

    PHP function reference

    I was wondering if you could create a PHP function on one page and reference it on several other pages, not unlike the javascript <script src="filepath.js"></script> functionName(params) method.
  16. as4s1n

    IE PHP session help

    For some reason, when people would go to their profile page in IE, it has the error message I have that reads: You do not have permission to view this page (The error would be in case the person wanted to hide their profile page) however regardless of hidden or not it still says that. I do not...
  17. as4s1n

    Stylesheet exploded

    Thank you so much... I do not even remember why I had that there in the first place...
  18. as4s1n

    Stylesheet exploded

    I was working on a new layout for my website when all of a sudden, my stylesheet blew up and everything is not where it should be! Beta website: Stylesheet code: body { border:0; padding:10px; margin:0; background:#FFF...
  19. as4s1n

    Can connect to one database but not the other

    Yes, that was what I was going for. I guess I could try that. Thanks
  20. as4s1n

    Can connect to one database but not the other

    If you notice the top left highlighted area it points out I have 6 tables in stbnl _stbnl(6). That is confusing me. And obviously I have more than just that one table. It seems to have been missing for a week or two.