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  1. Interscopia

    cPanel Hosting Help

    You need to get that sorted before anybody can help you.
  2. Interscopia

    FTP Trouble

    Go to: cPanel > FTP Accounts > Click on your main FTP account (Your username usually) > Configure FTP Client. All your FTP information is listed there. I just tested my FTP connection and it works fine on my site. :)
  3. Interscopia

    What about that Setting link ?

    Were the forums always running on vBulletin?
  4. Interscopia

    please review my site

    The layout is fine for me. It looks pretty good actually. :)
  5. Interscopia

    Google Desktop Dump Utility

    Cool, looks like a neat piece of software. :)
  6. Interscopia

    Which Operating System do you prefer?

    This. lol
  7. Interscopia

    Great hosting but...

    Every host gets it's ups and downs... Computers aren't flawless. But they are becoming more & more stable. With this in mind, taking everything into account;- X10Hosting is one of the best free hosts out there. Infact I would say it is the best.
  8. Interscopia

    Add your site no backlink needed

    When I get my site up and running, I will add it to your site. :)
  9. Interscopia

    getting to google's first page

    Good tutorial. :)
  10. Interscopia

    A suggestion

    If it was optional, and you didn't like the ads being on your site for whatever reason (Maybe they look bad/they're messing up your website template), then you could disable them.
  11. Interscopia

    Prize Live

    This looks brilliant. I'll have to try this out.
  12. Interscopia

    More Updates

    Couldn't have put it better myself. :)
  13. Interscopia

    Have fun with your photos with these cool websites

    Pretty cool. I like it :P
  14. Interscopia

    Database error

    This should work.
  15. Interscopia

    [Windows 7] Connection Issues.

    Try the connection on a seperate PC if you can, does it still run slow? IF so, contact your ISP. If not, try doing a disk cleanup/defragment and see if that works. Another option would be to flush your DNS and renew your IP (Provided you're not on a static IP).
  16. Interscopia

    Is Prime or Illumination accounts really worth it?

    In essence, I see the 3 paid plans like this: Prime: - A good starting point, if you're running a small website, or want to try a cheap plan before moving up. Illuminate: - The perks of this, are you get premium-spec server hardware, with considerably less users using them. A very good...
  17. Interscopia

    Lets see my new website :-)

    Yes, The images are poor quality due to stretching. This lets the look of the website down. If you designed the images yourself, try re-scaling them in Photoshop/GIMP. Other than that, it looks fine. :)
  18. Interscopia


    Wrong section to post this buddy. But welcome nevertheless. :) Go Here for help with code/programming.
  19. Interscopia

    Does anybody know a good tutorial for installing Ubuntu on a PC with Windows 7?

    The Ubuntu Installer, is SUPER easy to use, it also gives the option to dual-boot, re-arrange partitions and set up multiple user accounts.
  20. Interscopia

    Ubuntu or Windows 7

    I've been stuck on this debate for quite some time. I dual-boot both OS's for that reason. As I have a decent CPU, I have no problems. If I want speed, I use Ubuntu, If I want Universal Compatibility, I use Windows. What I like about Ubuntu, is the ease at which it can be customized. The...