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  1. M

    upsize my space!

    to whom I will ask for upsize my webspace? I have a lot of personal pictures but I can't upload all because of very limited space. thanks
  2. M

    Upgrade my space capacity

    sorry for disturbing any news for my request? is there any problem on my website?
  3. M

    Upgrade my space capacity

    I've deleted most of my pictures but when I refresh my control panel still the meter doesn't change? I don't know what happen to my control panel please advice...
  4. M

    Upgrade my space capacity

    any update? Thanks in advance for considering my request!
  5. M

    Upgrade my space capacity

    I'm planning to redirect my website but when I access my control panel the below message front to me. Thanks Sorry for the inconvenience! The filesystem mounted at /home/lgathana on this server is running out of disk space. cPanel operations have been temporarily suspended to prevent...
  6. M

    Upgrade my space capacity

    Thanks for reply, but my main website is inside the forlder is this violations? Do I need to relocate my website on the main folder? Please check my link... thanks
  7. M

    Upgrade my space capacity

    Good day, Can you please upgrade my disk space for my personal website? All I have are my personal and family pictures and the disk capacity are not enough maybe you can help me so my family can access all our pictures and share it to our families. thanks
  8. M

    Cannot export database?

    When I click in export a database from phpmyadmin it kepts saying export.php: Missing parameter: what export.php: Missing parameter: export_type
  9. M

    cannot view main page!

    my account has been created successfully and I can view the control panel but if check the link to my main page received Server Error. And also I've made joomla still same error?:confused:
  10. M

    Please upgrade my php v3!

    thanks guys! I will use youtube to upload my videos and upload to my site this is very simple no need for me to set anything... Thanks guys
  11. M

    Please upgrade my php v3!

    sorry for that I thought that function can be set on php so there is solution to activate the usec() functions? thanks All my videos for my family definitely I don't have copyrighted videos.
  12. M

    Please upgrade my php v3!

    can you please upgrade my php to v3 I've install the "hwdVideoShare"components for joomla and I've got an error regarding the usec() function "is not available". I think I need this for the convert of the uploaded videos? my user "mramilo" Thanks!
  13. M

    exec() function!

    my site received an error "exec() function" is not activated. thanks