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  1. Q

    The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable.

    dear excuse me for disturbation, but It is very important for me to know the reason and the future of this problem at this moment. I My site is actually correct and works fine; but it takes only some minutes, because I get euther mysql quessry disconnected, either the ebove message...
  2. Q

    request for Intermediate (v2) and Advanced (v3)

    hi would you please let me know if all we type here is accessible for public too? because I a going to give you the links and more sensible data concerning my domein and site. the admin folde has been renamed to something else and in between the probem of admin/index.php and this error (The...
  3. Q

    request for Intermediate (v2) and Advanced (v3)

    okay, as I could type here, it means that I got permission to add a reply. but by seeing the forum, I couldn't reply to the others' posts. can you give me a tip how can I solve the problem of that I get this error even if i loged in and have acces to the...
  4. Q

    request for Intermediate (v2) and Advanced (v3)

    dear I spent already Two days to find ut my problem and finally.... I read whole of the forum to find out why my site is accessible but my admin page of zen cart is not accesible. the zen cart team also aware me of a security problem until I found your thread here...