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  1. A

    Absolute confusion reigns

    01 August - My web-site got garbled - opened support ticket - no reply about what to do. Web-site gone for weeks awaiting response. Unable to access basic features of X10 also. The garbled info was deleted - site left blank by X10. I put up an apology page. My tickets were closed without...
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    Support request closed without answer

    I opened a support request and for many days awaited an answer. Someone got back to me saying to hold on and they would investigate. But the ticket got closed. Same thing happened to another a ticket I opened - did not get an answer, it just got closed. But the problem is still happening...
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    Websites completely garbled

    Day 13 and still ominous silence...
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    Problem accessing support

    In\control, i logo-on, then click on the Support tab each day to discover if my support ticket has a response yet, and as I click I immediately get logged out and have to log in again. I then log in again, and I get logged-out again.
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    Websites completely garbled

    9 days, no site. Total of 42 days without a site over 2 years so far. I am "holding on". Ta.
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    Websites completely garbled

    In the last 6 days I was sent 400+ emails stating that our website at is pure garbled characters. My own personal site at I now note has also gone that way. {I am on Boru server?}. Can someone tell what has gone very wrong or how this will be fixed...
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    Username rejected and altered

    I went to login to - e.g. as always I used my username e.g. xxxxx\\x xx xx xx and pwd. It came back saying \"invalid\" and had changed (!!!) the username to: xxxxx\\\\x xx xx xx (added an extra slash!). Each time I enter, it adds still more slashes...
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    Email not working

    My site is on Boru. I understand that other servers are having work done on them. But not Boru yet (I see in the service messages). But somehow I cannot download my e-mail all the same. I have checked for all other possibilities at my end. Thanks.
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    Getting worser and worser

    It is now a whole week since I started getting the error message "This page is temporarily unavailable" when I try to access my website. And no responses to any Support Requests in that time (two made). Now I am progressively seeing files deleted off my site, and when I go to explore further I...
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    Cannot edit website on Exofire

    For 5(?) days I cannot find the page to get into our voluntary organisations website. I get an error message saying the page is temporarily unavailable. I have searched for service outage messages and found none. Thanks
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    Cannot access website entry page

    For 24 hours I have not been able to get access to my website through entering at Can someone please tell me: a) how long this may continue for? b) why it has happened? c) why no service alert was published regarding the outage? d) why this happens so very very...
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    Unsuspension Failed, Support Ticket closed for no apparent reason

    I was suspended. I unsuspended myself. It did not work. I waited days for it to work. I thought I was being harshly punished. Some nice user told me it was a glitch with the .htaccess. I could not delete or rename that file because I could not get access. I was, as you now know, still...
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    Unsuspension actions ineffective

    I would love to deal to my .htaccess file as advised, but everything I try to log in to, except forums, tells me I am "suspended". Cpanel, admin, emails, site pages, etc.,
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    Unsuspension actions ineffective

    Yes, I can understand a queue, a fair queue, a few hours, a day perhaps even, but not 4-6 days (so far). It is not rocket science or extra staff that is required. It is a policy change. All of which seems to have led others to very strongly suspect that X10hosting is an absolute con...
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    Unsuspension actions ineffective

    My accounts were suspended (both) The screens in \control told me to click the Unsuspension buttons. I did. They did not make it happened, but said they had. Very misleading. I logged into the forums to find out why not. It told me I may have done things the wrong way around. So I tried...
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    Email not working

    My email for and is not working. Neither is my cpanel password any more.
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    Account Suspension Unexplained

    For I get the following message: Your Account is Currently Suspended Your hosting account with the username is suspended, access to this account has been disabled. The reason for suspension is listed below. Suspension Reason user transfered to another server...