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  1. G

    Site and FTP till down

    As suggested, I reset my cPanel password, but it still doesn't authenticate. FTP access doesn't either. Maybe I'm missing something. Could you help, please ?
  2. G

    Site Access !!!

    Original Support Request Closed !! ----- I get 404 error with http:// and Authentication Failures in ftp. I'm still using the same config in FileZilla. cPanel denies me as well. Is there something I need to do/or change ...
  3. G

    I can't access my site through http:// or ftp (FileZilla)

    I get 404 error with http:// and Authentication Failures in ftp. I'm still using the same config in FileZilla. cPanel denies me as well. Is there something I need to do/or change ?
  4. G

    Necessary Server Folders

    OK... So the topic was moved to Free Hosting. Still didn't answer my question.
  5. G

    Necessary Server Folders

    Hi, all ! I was just curious as to which folders on x10 hosted sites are necessary. I see several 'default' folders I haven't seen on other hosts. If I could get a list of each folder name, what it's for, as well if it's absolutely necessary, I'd greatly appreciate it (i.e. Can I delete it...
  6. G

    Host '' is blocked

    Just Wait it Out ?? Not a very 'promising' response. Just a tip I'm considering... I've asked this and got no response so far... It may be advisable for both of us to re-write our scripts with this possible error in mind. It can be done through (php) try/catch statements surrounding the MySQL...
  7. G

    MySQL Locked Out

    Just a thought... Is this going to happen often ? Is it advisable to write the scripts with this in mind and catch the error... Give the visitor a friendly message instead of the script completely bombing-out ?? Greg
  8. G

    MySQL Locked Out

    Will this mean completely setting up the database again ? Fortunately, I saved the db dumps on my machine. If so, it shouldn't be much of a problem re-importing the dumps through phpMyAdmin. Also... What kind of time frame are we looking at ? Greg
  9. G

    MySQL Locked Out

    After a few days of inconsitent connections through HTTP and FTP, I get this error this week... mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Host '' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'. The script is calling 'localhost'...
  10. G

    Greetings !

    New, here! Just got my domain name transferred. Just wanted to say 'Hi.'