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  1. ainsights

    Site Suspended

    I tried using the FTP client to access the files as well since I had the old credentials saved (I have not changed my credentials since) and it's giving me the error that "Login authentication failed". It seems like something with the cPanel got reset at some point and now I can't connect to...
  2. ainsights

    Site Suspended

    domain: Even though the site is unsuspended through the hosting panel, when I go to the actual domain it redirects to the page that says that the site is suspended. Also, I'm not able to logon to the cPanel. I'm not sure if something with the credentials got...
  3. ainsights

    WP-Mail-SMTP problem with Gmail

    The main reason that we're not using the Google Apps with cPanel combo is that the Gmail account was created beforehand and we would also like to maintain that e-mail in case we ever change hosting.
  4. ainsights

    WP-Mail-SMTP problem with Gmail

    Last topic got closed: I'm basically having the same problem. I am also using the WP-Mail-SMTP plugin but am using it with an external Gmail account (i.e. I am not using a Gmail Apps with cPanel combo). I am...