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  1. rkalhans

    set up a nine part background

    seriously nyc work, garikr
  2. rkalhans

    can't create tables anymore

    Actually, its funny, coz as garikr pointed out many ppl don't even notice the backtick on thr keyboard, but this is what i figured out when I used phpMyadmn for creating queries ne waz that was silly.
  3. rkalhans

    can't create tables anymore

    event with the same column name you might be to create a table try this notice the col-name enclosed in a back-tick (`) One should alwaz use this to prevent any such problem. The same thing can also be used in table names if there is such a problem esp when we need to create tables based on...
  4. rkalhans

    WEBSOCKETS, The future is now.

    hey I am sorry if this is not the way, but if ppl will start programming then only they will need an help if a problem arises, on n the post I have already posted code snippets that will help people to start using websockets. I there is ne problem with this thread I would remove this thread.
  5. rkalhans

    WEBSOCKETS, The future is now.

    Mozilla's projects on WebSockets is in progress and will be released soon, most probably with a stable release of Firefox 3.7 or 3.8. This will revolutionize our understanding of real-time applications like online chat systems on web-browsers and other relatime systems, Read more at URBAN ARTIST...
  6. rkalhans

    New pages added, Plz review

    Hey everyone, I have added a few new features in my homepage, Please review the page, htp://
  7. rkalhans

    Review my site

    Plz review my site and post in your comments here. this site is still under construction.
  8. rkalhans

    Any comment for my Site

    therea are certain problems that i would like to point to as a designer 1.The images are mostly unoptimized and no care has been taken for reuse of images. 2. the Blue text blends in with the black background and makes the text look dull. atleast it does not standout. I guess u can get a lot...
  9. rkalhans

    Yet another design

    Hey the content is yet to be figured out I wrote something as I need to have some content and that too was written aroung 4 in the morning without the influence of coffee ;) I wll rectify the mistakes though. And thanks for the comments do post in more comments and suggestions
  10. rkalhans

    Yet another design

    hey people I have made yet another design and i would love if you all will review it, EVERY comment suggestion and criticism will be welcomed. CLICK HERE
  11. rkalhans


    the sitemap thing is just a part of the bottom panel and will also comprise of some other useful things like latest news through RSS feeds etc. a collapsible panel is a gud alternative and am thinking of implementing it. Moreover the central divide may look a bit bright but thats the only...
  12. rkalhans


    thanx m8 Rohit Kalhans
  13. rkalhans


    hi every one check this out CLICK HERE post in your comment and suggettions, the content is incomplete though :)