Search results

  1. callumacrae

    I would like to open an account but my country is blocked.

    I'm afraid that the information you followed was incorrect. It has now been removed; we no longer have the ability to manually create accounts, sorry. ~Callum
  2. callumacrae

    php help (include)

    Rename index.html to index.php! ~Callum
  3. callumacrae

    suspended - OK... but why?

    I have unsuspended you. Are you running anything that uses high amount of CPU? Some WordPress plugins are known to do this. You can upgrade to Premium. It's against Free's ToS to have six accounts XD
  4. callumacrae

    Error while installing the application

    A quick search would have found this: ~Callum
  5. callumacrae

    Deleting my account

    Have you taken all backups you need?
  6. callumacrae

    VPS vs Premium

    Yep that's all fine. Realistically, I don't believe that hosting an IRCd will raise the risk of DDoS any more than hosting an AJAX chat, but SingleHops in charge here :) ~Callum
  7. callumacrae

    VPS vs Premium

    I asked SingleHop a while back. By IRC services it means ANYTHING to do with IRC - IRCds, IRC bots, even bouncers. They say that "it is to reduce the risk of DDoS". AJAX chat boxes are fine :) ~Callum
  8. callumacrae

    Creating a Simple CMS [PHP + MySQL ?]

    The closing identifier must be at the beginning of the line as per's heredoc documentation: private function buildDB() { $sql = <<<MySQL_QUERY CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testDB ( title VARCHAR(150), bodytext TEXT, created...
  9. callumacrae

    drupal and jQuery

    Add the following into the header: <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src="" /> ? ~Callum
  10. callumacrae

    SQLite -> MySql

    It also costs $99 XD ~Callum
  11. callumacrae

    I can't visit my own site!!

    I'm moving this thread to Free Hosting support. ~Callum
  12. callumacrae

    php/mysql: problem inserting rows already existing in spite of verification

    @vv.bbcc19: Your browser will not have any effect whatsoever on what the server does in this script. You're missing a quote in your first snippet, and you should not be using error control operators - if there are any errors, you do not want them to be suppressed, and it is also...
  13. callumacrae

    SQL help (possible a join)

    How would I go about doing that? I've known that it's possible, but never actually tried it
  14. callumacrae

    Help with securing website from hackers??

    Although if you're using PHP 5 you should be using OO PHP, and so it doesn't really matter - nothing bad will happen, the classes will just be defined and then the script will end ~Callum
  15. callumacrae

    SQL help (possible a join)

    Will that affect the entire union or just the second statement?
  16. callumacrae

    Help with securing website from hackers??

    It's a hidden file - UNIX files that begin with a dot (.) are not displayed by default. If you're using cPanel file manager you can use the settings in the top left, or if you're using FTP your client will have an option in the preferences. If you're using SSH like a true man, use ls -a ~Callum
  17. callumacrae

    SQLite -> MySql Export as SQL. Import into MySQL :) ~Callum
  18. callumacrae

    Using mobile cms

    if (preg_match('/iPad|iPhone|iOS|Opera Mobi|BlackBerry|Android|IEMobile|Symbian/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { header('Location:'); }
  19. callumacrae

    SQL help (possible a join)

    Will that return them in proper order or will it be all the users stuff and then their friends stuff? ~Callum
  20. callumacrae

    SQL help (possible a join)

    Will that return them in proper order or will it be all the users stuff and then their friends stuff? ~Callum