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  1. ChatIndia

    Hello everybody

    welcome back. btw nice username :P like mine, lol
  2. ChatIndia

    Review my chat website

    it will not load instantly. you have to give at least half minute for the chat room to load for the first time cause there are loads of features and so it save lot of files on your computer to load fast next time.
  3. ChatIndia

    Review my chat website

    Which design you are referring? or I always wanted to make a site for girls but this time i haven't made a girlie site. I just tried to make it sweet and pleasant as girls.
  4. ChatIndia

    from which country

    lol, you mean United States of America!? @totaln6414, India?
  5. ChatIndia

    Review my chat website

    it requires flash and java. I think you were not having java or flash installed in your computer, or some problem with your net connection or a temporary problem with our server. anything could be the reason cause for me it loads within few seconds. If you want then i can make a video and show...
  6. ChatIndia

    Suggest me a horror movie

    "The Ring" and "final destination". btw, they are not too scary but still good movie to watch.
  7. ChatIndia

    Review my web design site

    no its $ 7,999/45 *I think*
  8. ChatIndia

    Review my chat website write everything you liked or disliked about my website. I'll be very thankful to you for your comments.
  9. ChatIndia

    we reached the top!

    finally finally finally we are coming at number one for our own name "chatindia" in facebook directory. go to facebook directory and search "chatindia" and add that application. future plan: looking to capture keyword "India Chat" on facebook application directory. (only possible with...
  10. ChatIndia

    I hate 'environmental groups'...

    *Off topic hydrogen is a better fuel than gasoline but very few refill stations are there in the world. Automobile manufacturer can't make anything for such a rare fuel. with hydrogen, residue is water and with gasoline residue is carbon monoxide.
  11. ChatIndia

    Please do not waste your money at neobux!

    i hereby declare neobux as a scam site :)
  12. ChatIndia

    Help keyboard

    lol, some weird laptop give such problem when number lock is on either on main keypad or on the external keyboard. turn it off on both keyboard if you are using laptop. if you are using desktop then no idea.
  13. ChatIndia

    What happened to Mr. Hunter-Killer? he has been banned??
  14. ChatIndia

    will odesk test help get an online job?

    it will not help. that test is useless. :P prove me wrong :P :D
  15. ChatIndia

    Please answer my question on English grammar

    Should I guess. I don't know English so don't take it correct. I think its interesting to select one out of four. lol 1. The man __that I was sitting next to on_________ the plane talked all the time. 2. Everyone was talking but stopped__the moment_____ Mr Smith entered the room 3...
  16. ChatIndia

    Free Chat Room for your website.

    10 connection is a limit, they write "free" every now and then and everybody don't have a dedicated server / separate VPS Note: You won't be suspended for using the above code cause the script is hosted on our server and it won't give load to x10hosting servers.
  17. ChatIndia

    How to put a signature on my posts? ---------- Post added at 09:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:30 PM ---------- more specific
  18. ChatIndia

    Free Chat Room for your website.

    * Best Featured Chat Room *Multiple Room Support * No Logo * No advertisement * Full load support * no downtime * super fast * customizable width and height * pleasant to eyes * no registration required * network roaming (so your chat room will never be empty) * no language restrictions * guest...
  19. ChatIndia

    Horror in my life !!!

    gosh, you said that. Don't you know that "Zubair" is muslim and you may get ban. Don't worry, just kidding. btw, if its true then it should not be done. Which religion teaches "how to kill people"?
  20. ChatIndia

    Horror in my life !!!

    why don't the current president ask any powerful country for help. Maybe he can sign up any treaty to merge his country with any other country. Perhaps its not as easy as i think but if USA can fight a war with Iraq then why don't they help such countries.