Search results

  1. diabolo


    escalated to support. in support, your information will be disclosed without due process.
  2. diabolo

    Cannot log in to confirm my account

    escalated to support.
  3. diabolo

    database connection

    What script are you using.
  4. diabolo

    Acct. creation problem

    escalated to support.
  5. diabolo

    Always error everytime i sign up !!

    escalated to support.
  6. diabolo

    My Account has not been Active

    Account creation takes roughly 24-48 hours from registration. Account creation may be hindered by the recent server upgrades. Please post back if you account is not created within 48 hours.
  7. diabolo

    After the server migration, my website restore back to about a week ago

    This thread will explain it further: To the best of my knowledge it seems that your data is safe and is residing on one of the servers, the administration just needs time to work out the kinks. correct me if I am...
  8. diabolo

    Inserting chinese text into mysql

    well everything runs great, I just need help sanitizing the inputs. that is what I copy into the textarea. so when it enters it into the DB it also enters the spaces. I didnt catch it before because all the extra whitespace gets condesed. so it gets entered in as this: $sTitle =...
  9. diabolo

    Inserting chinese text into mysql

    not to be cynical, but more politically correct, it would appear as: &# 35506; (without space) I'm not sure what you meant by number 2. But I've added <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="content-type"/> to my page, since I usually include it in my header.php this then...
  10. diabolo

    How much of your GMail space are you using?

    You are currently using 476 MB (6%) of your 7418 MB. I hardly ever delete an email, only spam I delete.
  11. diabolo

    Inserting chinese text into mysql

    I'm sorry, totally my mistake I did not fully understand what I was talking about. I ment to say it is entered as a 'NCR' (Unicode numerical character references)
  12. diabolo

    Inserting chinese text into mysql

    <?php define ('ROOT', '../'); include ROOT.'config.php'; if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $chapters = $_POST['chapters']; $class = $_POST['class']; $chapters = str_replace('課', '課 <br />', $chapters); $chaptersRefined = str_replace('課', '', $chapters); $chaptersRefined =...
  13. diabolo

    It doesn´t go on

    Your account setup may have been messed up due to backend upgrades: I will escalate this to support so an administrator can resolve your issues.
  14. diabolo

    MySQL problem

    Like ladyanna said, Corey is working on a new version on the backend system. This may have caused mysql to go haywire. More info here:
  15. diabolo

    review my website please

    the new layout looks cleaner except more empty? Im pretty sure you're not done yet, so I'll hold off my review. xP and is that Russian I see?
  16. diabolo


    you can set up a script in PHP to go at the beginning of every page to check the current URL. If the domain is correct, leave it, if it is redirect to the .com
  17. diabolo

    Apple iPad What do you guys think? I might get one of these for college depending on how well it performs. I think it would be really great like an iTouch except bigger and more powerful. Im not sure how I would go around transporting it from classes. It's about 10in by 7in so...
  18. diabolo

    Web Design Portfolio Mudith Parakkrama

    High Quality Website. but like everything else there are somethings that stood out to me that I feel could be improved on ` I did not appreciate how three links took me all to the same place. (ABOUT ME / MY PROFILE / MY SKILLS) it was annoying trying to figure out if I made a mistake or what `...
  19. diabolo

    review my website please

    I have no tried out the search function yet so I am just reviewing the design. Overall: Its close. You almost got it, just a couple things I want to point out that affected me. `'Start Searching' button does not fit in with the sleek theme ` in 'Advanced Search' the search bar was 'invisible' `...
  20. diabolo


    This is below par. I'm sorry it just doesn't cut it for me. `spelled previous wrong `no backwards compatibility for javascript `font-family choice is horrible `annoying tiled background image `using tables to position elements (I'm not sure if that is how the e107CMS is set up) `hard to...