Search results

  1. Kayos

    Pro-Choice or Pro-Life

    How can you separate humans from every other creature on earth? Sure, we have self awareness and complex socities now but we've evolved from a specie that is just like any other animal. All in all we are essentially animals and like animals we still do posses that basic instinct for things...
  2. Kayos

    The Ultimate Goal of Life

    In reality there is no point to life. By no point I mean no over all goal to reach for. Maybe a set of personal goals but otherwise when we're born we aren't assigned a task that says "strive to this". Some may want to believe there is an omnipresent being that oversee our lives and help guide...
  3. Kayos

    Do you think Obama will be a good president?

    You do realize that he's not in office yet right? Everyone's hero George W. Bush is still running the show. Even once he's in office I'd venture to guess that your opinion wont change either even if he does do good.
  4. Kayos

    How to play GTA IV Online

    I've used Hamachi to play games before. Unless you live close to the host it's usually a laggy mess.
  5. Kayos

    Against Kosovo's Decleartion of Independance or for it

    The threads not going to be deleted or closed so stop asking.
  6. Kayos

    If Join McCain Became President what would happen?

    We would have an aging president with terrible policies ruling the government. In the event of him dying we would have the first and last female president. The US would surely crumble in the ensuing years of her reign.
  7. Kayos


    Being a meat eating monster I could not imagine living another way. A life void of tastey cows, lambs, or even the occasional buffalo would not be a life I'd like. Plants have feelings too not only that but vegetarians and vegans are eating our rain forests. Think of the rain forests.
  8. Kayos

    x10host - THE BEST!

    This is much appreciated but it doesn't belong here. Closed.
  9. Kayos

    Sony Japan to close factories. Playstation division may be in trouble.

    They say sold, not shipped. So, when they say sold, they mean sold. I know Sony's stated sold as shipped in the past. I don't know any more with any company, even Nintendo, which has also stated sold, which included shipped.
  10. Kayos

    Sony Japan to close factories. Playstation division may be in trouble.

    Honestly, I'm sure there console figures are probably accurate to a degree. I'd say they are probably off by 500,000 to a million in some cases as is with the case of the 360 which Microsoft has stated selling 28 million consoles by the end of 08. That's accurate enough for most people. Now the...
  11. Kayos

    Sony Japan to close factories. Playstation division may be in trouble.

    VGChartz sale data still is unreliable.. I'll always be here for ya to argue with.
  12. Kayos

    Sony Japan to close factories. Playstation division may be in trouble.

    You have a very limited view on the console industry if you think Microsoft "copies" it's competitors. Each company is guilty of borrowing ideas from another source. Nintendo didn't invent the avatar, Sony didn't invent singing games, etc. They've all borrowed them from other sources. Another...
  13. Kayos

    Sony Japan to close factories. Playstation division may be in trouble.

    I agree with you on most counts but lets not make this a console war thread. The sad fact is that they still have the largest fanbase of all the consoles with there PS2 (which refuses to die no less). They still are a major player and if they went under it would hurt the industry more than...
  14. Kayos

    Sony Japan to close factories. Playstation division may be in trouble.

    In all fairness manufacturing companies like evga are in a somewhat lesser league than what Sony is to the gaming industry.
  15. Kayos

    Greeting X10!

    Welcome to X10. Will your site have some tracks of your band on it once it's up and running?
  16. Kayos

    Lights. Camera. Action.

    Welcome to X10. What kind of videos do you do?
  17. Kayos


    Moved to Programming Help
  18. Kayos

    Here I come Gamers!

    Moved to Gamer's Lounge
  19. Kayos

    Game Trainers - Do you think they make a game fun?

    Trainers make games too easy, in turn they make games less fun. I stay away from them unless I don't care about the game any longer and want to do stuff I normally wouldn't be able to do. Otherwise they are just a small distraction with no real value in the long run.
  20. Kayos

    Sony Japan to close factories. Playstation division may be in trouble.

    Full article here Sony's in deeper water than I imagined. I'd be terrible for the Playstation division to close but I've questioned Sony's business tactics in the past and I would not be surprised if they did. At most I believe they'll make some cut backs in the division but I hope they keep...