I used a tutorial and just threw my SOD logo in there. I think it really came out good. Heres the tut: http://www.spoono.com/photoshop/tutorials/tutorial.php?id=77
I won't but ads on my website. Not unless I get enough traffic to make it worth it. Its not worth throwing up ads if your going to make 2c a month. I mean why?
I am in no way prejudice. There is no reason to view someone differently than someone else. Some of those you may think to be the worst people in the world.
I will agree that I was a bit harsh and yes I didn't throughly his post, I very sorry about that and I apologize. I will not change the fact that people SHOULD read things before the go posting stuff, it saves time. No offense meant to anyone.
No offense but I don't like it very much. The forums are the same as the site , which is the reason they are custom built. I have setup a "demo" account the info to login is
username: demo
password: demo
I am looking for a bit abstract button with and image if possible.
Here you go: http://coldfirezz.x10hosting.com/index.php. Depending on how good this is I may ask for more, obviously I will pay. Btw your music is pretty good. Reminds me a bit of PATD.
I'm sorry. What I said came out very wrong. I meant to say that I want a button that say profile on it so I may use it in my forums. It will be a link to each users profile. If you need to see the site I can post the link.
Could you make me a button for a profile. It is going to be used for the custom built forums on Serene OverloaD. I would prefer that it be dark blue and a reasonable size. I will give you 100 credits, also do you think you can provide me with the PSD?