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  1. ichwar

    Can't access my cpanel neither my webpage

    So you're saying you can't access this page: ?
  2. ichwar

    Why cant I log in?

    Alanba. Do you have a paid hosting account?
  3. ichwar

    Can't access my cpanel neither my webpage

    Starka is currently under testing. I'd suggest you wait a few hours and try again. :)
  4. ichwar

    Barrack (Ambrosia software) on Mac OS X

    I haven't tried Barrack. But just one note. It's violating the apple eula to install OSX on anything other than apple hardware. I'm just bringing this up because "custom made computer" doesn't sound like an apple. ;)
  5. ichwar

    Help with my hp pavillion dv2000

    It very well may be the mobo since it sounds like the bios isn't posting?
  6. ichwar


    Hmmm. That's rather large... I'm not sure about this, but I'm guessing you should submit a support ticket. Maybe wait a little bit to see if anyone else can help you first.
  7. ichwar


    How big is this database you're trying to upload?
  8. ichwar

    Close Account

    I am escalating this so that a staff member sees this and closes your account.
  9. ichwar

    1001st Post

    Do you think one of us (me :-( ?) scared him off? He's been logging in just often enough to keep his account active, but he hasn't posted since forever.
  10. ichwar

    Help with my hp pavillion dv2000

    So then it sounds like you need to open it up and replace some stuff. :(
  11. ichwar

    What are YOU listening to?

    So right now, I'm listening to: "" from my keyboard, and "hmmmmmmmmmmm" from my cpu fan. :D
  12. ichwar

    Count to 200

    Re: Count to 50 8 is 1 more than a prime number, and 1 less than a squared number.
  13. ichwar

    Word Association

    BOOOOOOO. Please follow the rules, rather than mindlessly posting spam. :| Woman >> wife
  14. ichwar

    Game: Team A Vs. Team B

  15. ichwar

    ftp on the windows commandline

    And in the short run too! ;)
  16. ichwar


    So what does happen when you click unsuspend?
  17. ichwar

    ftp on the windows commandline

    This might be of some help: :dunno:
  18. ichwar

    No receive activation code

    Hi pierigue. First things first: remember that every time you post your email addresses here in public there is a good chance that a bot will pick it up and add it to a few spam lists. With that in mind, be careful while posting and let's continue. It seems that your mail client is...
  19. ichwar

    ftp on the windows commandline

    ftp> open <SERVER>.com What exactly did you put in <server>?
  20. ichwar

    Happy Birthday to me!

    Everyone stay off the road. Wait, hopefully he won't be as bad as brandon. ;)