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  1. callumacrae

    Please reactivate my account.

    Done. ~Callum
  2. callumacrae

    Just trying to create a simple PDO query function

    Stop being a hydrogenPHP fanboi, it hasn't even been released yet :D Codeigniter ftw ~Callum
  3. callumacrae

    linking to my hosting server

    You don't want URL forwarding, just nameservers. ~Callum
  4. callumacrae

    linking to my hosting server ~Callum
  5. callumacrae

    MySQL chatscript

    Locking thread - duplicate ~Callum
  6. callumacrae


    localhost ~Callum
  7. callumacrae

    Starka Host

    Il y a beaucoup de gens sur les Free des serveurs, par conséquent, ils peuvent être lents à des moments. Si vous voulez plus rapide hébergement, mise à niveau à Premium ou Illuminated. ~Callum
  8. callumacrae

    Starka Host

    Votre site web est de travailler pour moi, qu'est-ce qui ne fonctionne pas? ~Callum
  9. callumacrae

    Starka Host

    I can access your website fine, whats the problem? ~Callum
  10. callumacrae

    domain going to defualt error

    Working fine here, but remember that it can take up to 72 hours for it to fully propagate, caches to be flushed etc. ~Callum
  11. callumacrae

    Starka Host

    ... What? Starka is working fine here ~Callum
  12. callumacrae

    MySQL chatscript - Membership upgradation

    Prime doesn't allow chatscripts either, but Illuminated and Premium do. If you want to upgrade to either of them, buy it and post a support ticket in the client area. ~Callum
  13. callumacrae

    Serious Investor Needed

    Thread closed, PM me in six months when your site has gone viral and I'll reopen this thread. ~Callum
  14. callumacrae

    How to find the exact PHP template needed?

    I would recommend just doing it the normal way XD ~Callum
  15. callumacrae

    Account Suspended Help!

    I have unsuspended you, you were using too many resources :) ~Callum
  16. callumacrae

    Post your specs

    Windows isn't really worth paying for :D ~Callum
  17. callumacrae

    High resource usage?

    What plugins do you have installed? It's WP, so the suspension thing won't say any more than index.php ~Callum
  18. callumacrae

    Emails I Send From PHP Script Are Getting Flagged as Spam

    You only solution is to use something like Google Apps to send emails, as their IPs are not blacklisted ~Callum
  19. callumacrae

    POST & GET methods did'nt work

    I thought the point in PHP_EOL was that it worked on any system? ~Callum
  20. callumacrae

    Question about having games.

    You can have games anyway, as long as they dint break copyright laws and are to do with your website ~Callum