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  1. arrestme11187

    hi don't really arrestme :(

    Not exactly what I meant henk. Can I call you henk? Henk, anyone who's anyone will not screw with the terms of service here. I was just posting as a precaution. But thanks! and thanks for the welcome!
  2. arrestme11187

    Access denied for user 'arrestme'@''

    any idea where I can change the default setting? I was sure I looked everywhere. After the ls/gs db text in the config.php it fills in the fields like this: $conn = @mysql_connect(Gamedb_host, Gamedb_user, Gamedb_pass) or die(mysql_error()); also the beginning of the script up to Line 42 in...
  3. arrestme11187

    Access denied for user 'arrestme'@''

    Hi, I was thinking maybe someone could help me with this here, so I wouldn't have to bother the string of editors for this script. I'm testing out a system for when people vote for/from my website, it gives their in-game account "vote points". With those vote points they can purchase from a...
  4. arrestme11187

    hi don't really arrestme :(

    I didn't get a chance to properly introduce myself yet. For the time being , you can just call me Lloyd Marley. 8) I had a run in with the law here but I hope that stays behind us. I read over and over the terms again, but just to make sure I'm wondering if my site is against any rule I may...
  5. arrestme11187

    Suspended due to ignorance Sorry :(

    Muchos gracias Bryon, you're a gentleman and a scholar. You've surely made my day!
  6. arrestme11187

    Suspended due to ignorance Sorry :(

    That's all ok Limewire, because I understand it's a tough job being the "suspendinator" 8), and someone's gotta do it. Believe it or not I'm actually grateful I got to chit chat with you for a bit Bill. I too am behind a keyboard, and only rarely do I get the fire to engage in discussion so...
  7. arrestme11187

    Suspended due to ignorance Sorry :(

    After researching more, I'm sadly not surprised at all of your answer Livewire. I'm new to coding and webhosting and all that, but in all honesty I didn't even know what a script was exactly. But I know for sure that I didn't run any, and that I wasn't planning on downloading anything to the...
  8. arrestme11187

    Suspended due to ignorance Sorry :(

    "Below is an ordered list of this hosting account's suspension history, ordered most recent to oldest July 9 at 8:27 pm suspension Violation of x10hosting's terms of service. Details: rapidleech is prohibited on x10hosting's servers. July 9 at 8:27 pm suspension Violation of x10hosting's terms...