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  1. Russ


    If you're new to this, then cPanel wont help with editing, as it has an editor but its for raw html code. I'd suggest finding a WYSIWYG program (What you see is what you get) and then uploading it. The ftp host is your site domain name i.e. etc, Username is your cPanel...
  2. Russ

    high server usage suspension - time suspended arbitrary?

    Account unsuspended. We're working to solve this on our end.
  3. Russ

    High Server Resource Usage: How can we avoid from being suspended?

    It's probably on our end. We've been trying to tweak the scripts we use. We're working to resolve this issue.
  4. Russ

    Question about high account usage suspension / php

    Yes, once the account was suspended the script should have terminated from running.
  5. Russ

    Webmail Is Down

    Yes, it is a stoli issue. We're working to resolve this.
  6. Russ

    Account High server resource usage

    I have unsuspended your account. Please find and remove any scripts or cron scripts which would cause this
  7. Russ

    Account suspended hours ago -High Server Resource-

    Your account has been unsuspended
  8. Russ

    parked domain

    How is the domain setup? is it still hosted by the other company, or are we hosting it?
  9. Russ

    stoli down Again

    server up, sorry for any trouble.
  10. Russ

    lotus down?

    server up, topic closed
  11. Russ

    High server resource usage

    Excess use of scripts, uploads, or anything else that consumes alot of cpu usage.
  12. Russ

    Stoli Full

    I apologize, we are working on this. I know its annoying. Hopefully it'll be solved soon.
  13. Russ

    chat, anyone?

    x10 chat is still here, its easier to get in now! click on Support chat link to the left, and you'll be hanging with us cool people. Offtopic chat is allowed.
  14. Russ

    RuneScape Private Server Hosting

    Runscape servers are illegal when used as private servers. It's against their TOS. if it wasn't, then yes, we'd allow it on vps.
  15. Russ


    It is getting more stable, if you need to move, go and make a post in upgrades/downgrades/changes.
  16. Russ

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    How big was the last biggest thread?
  17. Russ

    can't access my cpanel

    Should work now. Per our TOS you must login to the forums once every 2 weeks or it's suspended for inactivity, which is what happened. I have unsuspended your account.
  18. Russ

    I Dont think i have my Details or i forgot them

    Okay. What is your hosting account login?
  19. Russ

    uploading through perl/php and 500 errors

    Login to, under PHP details request upgrade to the intermediate version and the upload limit will be increased.
  20. Russ

    DNS Not working

    Yes, the DNS is actually hosted on one of the paid servers