Search results

  1. Sohail

    x10 Goes Surfing?

    Is this in the source? :P
  2. Sohail

    Warez or no Warez?

    My answer would simply be no, warez are simply ruining the economy, people may think that it's just a few people and doesn't do much but it's damaging the economy and soon people will notice these companies have stopped producing because you have made them bankrupt for not buying!
  3. Sohail

    [REQ][$$]Wordpress Customization

    I will PM you now.
  4. Sohail

    Virtual OS on Flash Drive?!

    I would say putting a virtual OS on a flash drive isn't worth it because it would run way too slow.
  5. Sohail

    [OFF]Selling Web Templates for Cash

    I have notice now that I don't need any more credits with the amount I already have now, so I have decided to offer fully customized web templates for cash instead by, prices can be discussed. PM me if anyone is interested.
  6. Sohail

    [REQ][all my points]Logo

    Re: Logo What about this one? Source files are one in Photoshop. Hope you like it.
  7. Sohail

    How can I turn off my site temporarily ?

    Yeah you could do that too..
  8. Sohail

    Review my webpage

    I think you should work a lot on the layout, the table outlines don't look that nice to me...
  9. Sohail

    How can I turn off my site temporarily ?

    Yeah you could do that too..
  10. Sohail

    Whats your Web Design Project?

    Mine is to finish the template for to match, but that's the small project, my huge one that I've spent half a year developing is the 'widgets project' basically users will be able to move around, customize and do almost anything with...
  11. Sohail

    How can I turn off my site temporarily ?

    Well using the options in the cPanel you can password-protect directories.
  12. Sohail

    Checklist While building a website.

    That's a really professional guide, you should also post a tutorial about the advanced stuff too like SEO and stuff like that.
  13. Sohail

    Looking for Staff

    Hi, I am looking for staff who are good at web design to be a developer for which includes work on and Just list your skills like PHP, CSS or anything else... I am also looking for an expert Flash Designer mostly with...
  14. Sohail

    Better than google adsense

    Adbrite is pretty good...
  15. Sohail


    I am A flash designer but I only use it for things like portfolios, there's no point in making a site that's takes ages to load when people want to view things quickly. Flash has it's advantages.
  16. Sohail

    Photoshop CS3 or GIMP 2.4?

    CS3 is the more professional choice, I haven't used GIMP but I do know that Photoshop has never failed me, it's completely worth getting and I would say that the only thing that's better than CS3 is the new CS4 ;).
  17. Sohail

    Hi all!

    There is no automatic suspend, you need to click the unsuspension request link on the left-side navigation and fill and submit the form. Your account was suspended for inactivity, to prevent this from happening you need to login to the forums once every two weeks.
  18. Sohail

    Corey Got married!!

    Congratulations Corey, good luck with the rest of your life, I'm sure it'll be very successful for you.
  19. Sohail

    Advertising Opportunities/Prize Donors Needed

    Would you pay via PayPal if I offered professional web template design by
  20. Sohail

    Get Paid to search.... new one....

    I know about a site very similar to this and I never liked it at all, you hardly get any cash, maximum for daily searching all year would get you less than 50$.