Search results

  1. FalseHope

    what is happening?

    Your site looks fine to me. Please post back if you are still having these problems.
  2. FalseHope

    Blank ads

    Do not pay any attention to this. Our ad server is probably down. You will not get suspended, the Account Managers and fellow staff look at the source code for the ads.
  3. FalseHope

    IE8 or FF3B5

    It's not too early, they've been out long enough to criticize about.
  4. FalseHope

    Want 500 Credits?

    First of all, what are the links? ;) Second, you have a spelling error in your post I do believe. caugh = caught?
  5. FalseHope

    IE8 or FF3B5

    Well, they are both out now, what is your opinions on them? I hear that IE8 is more programmer based. FF3B5 is alright, the memory leak was finally fixed, so it seems. I don't like the back and forward buttons though. Everything else, pretty much looks the same. It has the 'new' look to it. So...
  6. FalseHope

    Solar Power Vs. Wind Power

    They can work at night, they can store energy from the day, so I have heard.
  7. FalseHope

    Solar Power Vs. Wind Power

    Is there really a difference? They are both environmentally friendly, and bot serve the same purpose. Just in a different form. It would depend on your area for it to be affective, though.
  8. FalseHope

    Trying to move 2 websites to x10Hosting

    Download all of the files from the other host, zip them, then upload the SMF forum to the directory in which you want it, and the same thing with the Mambo site.
  9. FalseHope

    Problem with my phpBB2 forum.

    Yes there is obviously a forums folder. But, that isn't what it is looking for, it's looking for /forums/forums/index.php which means, it's looking for another folder inside the forums folder called forums.
  10. FalseHope

    ARE the servers here that slow??

    The servers here are not slow. Although, at the time, the load could have been high, or your internet could have been slow.
  11. FalseHope

    nameserver configuration

    Add the domain to either the add-on domains or the parked domains.
  12. FalseHope

    What do you think? ;)

    Well, I have looked and commented and reviewed websites here. So I am going to ask you guys what you think of mine. It's not completely done. I am doing bits at a time, each day. The links button doesn't work yet, and the IRC page needs to be re-done, two things of which I am aware of. The site...
  13. FalseHope

    What do you think?

    What does everyone think about gay sex marriage? My opinion: It should be legal in all country's. It's their choice. I do not see how church's can refuse to not marry two people, even if they aren't of opposite sex. So.. What's everyones opinions?
  14. FalseHope

    How many times.......?

    How many times a week or month or even a year do you shave? I usually shave every day or two, but these past few weeks I haven't shaved at all lol little lazy ;)
  15. FalseHope

    Template 500+ credits (Simple)

    I need a template for a paste bin. I have all of the code done, now I need a template. I will only be giving 500-800 credits because I only want a simple template. Background: A light color Columns: I need a menu on the top or right for links and places to go. This is all I need. If you need...
  16. FalseHope


    Hey all! Does anyone here play Killzone for PS2, I would say for PSP but mines off getting fixed.
  17. FalseHope


    I am looking for places to put my text link. I will pay via x10 credits. I will pay no more than 1,000 x10 credits for one month, of the text link on your site. It all depends on how many visitors you get a month.
  18. FalseHope


    I didn't know where to put this, and I could remember an account manager telling me to place this here, even though it has nothing to do with my hosting account, but my forum username. Heres the problem, whenever I click on my name in the online list it goes to...
  19. FalseHope

    What wakes you up?

    What gets you to actually wake up in the morning, I don't mean an alarm clock of some sort, I mean like coffee or something like that. So, what wakes you up? :)
  20. FalseHope

    Favicon: Yes or No.

    Would you rather have a favicon or not?