Search results

  1. Criptex

    Do you think Obama will be a good president?

    I don't remember if I actually post it, or if I was dreaming about it, but I remember I posted something about the punishment for succes.... Well, anyways, that's one thing I don't like about him, the punishment for success, you can't punish the people that made their way to wealth with hard...
  2. Criptex

    Which PC Brand?

    I prefer HP laptops, but I have a question... Is there any way you can replace your video card in a laptop, cuz I don't like mine :'{. I have a Nvidia GeForce 8200M G and 3 gigs of ram, but I would like to know if I can replace it myself (I don't know much about computer's hardware)
  3. Criptex


    Well, I think people convince themselves to believe in aliens, because it's a myth, it is something that we cannot explain, and the idea of the little green people is too facinating and we want to see one, we like the idea of something different than us, but maybe more intelligent. I would like...
  4. Criptex

    the most popular..

    I just have a few visits =( This page has had 43 visits
  5. Criptex

    Do you believe in God?

    Yeah... I also agree, because when you are a civilized person... you can actually debate in a proper way it doesn't matter if you can only agree in your disagreement. People who threat other people, is the people who feel insecurity about what they're talking about, and about the weight of their...
  6. Criptex

    Israel's attack on Gaza, your views?

    Yes, It's right, you have the right to defend yourself, it is your RIGHT!!!! but it is your option wheter you want to give the other cheek or not, and remember... Israel suffered 400 years of slavery, and did they fight to free themselves? no, God did it, they didn't even have to touch one...
  7. Criptex

    Which Day do you Prefer?

    Friday, because is the last day of the office days, and you get to rest from everything, and the best thing is that the next day will be saturday!!!
  8. Criptex

    Last Meal

    I'd like to eat... a sweater, I'm kidding. no... I'd like to eat hot soup so I can be sleepy, and when it's my turn to die, I'd be already sleepy so I wouldn't suffer too much.
  9. Criptex

    Are you a Lefty, Moderate or Righty?

    Well one thing I DON'T agree with, is the punishment for success, it is not a practical idea to take off money from the rich and not from the poor, I think if you are gonna raise taxes, do it both ways, rich and poor, because then... why would you work your whole life trying to make yourself...
  10. Criptex

    If a nuclear World War III were to break out tommorow, what would you do?

    I'd try to convince people to receive God in their hearts, because it would be a fact that we're gonna die pretty soon.
  11. Criptex

    Do you think Obama will be a good president?

    I think the guy is humble, that's the first thing you got to have when you are in a very important position. Also, he's not superman or something like that, so I think it's impossible to fix all the problems that the nation is going through, but I think he can do at least something about it...
  12. Criptex

    Are you a Lefty, Moderate or Righty?

    Well, in politics... there are many definitions, and the definition of left is usually related with socialism and comunism, and right, democracy, republic democracy, and capitalism. But here in the US, we don't have those two sides, the government here is a democratic republic, therefore the...
  13. Criptex

    Community has changed

    Hello, I'm a newby, I wasn't here 3 years ago, so I can't say if the community was more friendly back then or not... but they're actually pretty friendly and respectfull people, and intelligent too, so don't let a few people cheer you down. In life, there's always somebody that breaks the order...
  14. Criptex

    This is a seriously out - of order in court! *falling off laughing*

    This was great, It made my morning!!.
  15. Criptex

    what do you think of the new design of the forum?

    At first I thought i messed up something, and change the appareance, but then I released that it was a new design, but I like it, the colors are more armonic, and I feel like It has a lot of room, and you dont have everything in the same place, I like it.
  16. Criptex

    Are you a Lefty, Moderate or Righty?

    Wow man, honestly, and with all the respect you deserve... those are stupid commentaries, I don't know if you are just kidding or you mean it, but I thought you were a more mature kind of person. HOW can you say that you are a pro-life person and that you believe in God, when practically you are...
  17. Criptex

    Good Joke

    thanks. now I can rotfl!!! lol Edit: I found the rest of the joke! is frustating and funny at the same time. Edit: -Doctor, I'm here because I want you to extract my teeth. -But mam, you don't have teeth. -Yes sir, I just swallowed them.
  18. Criptex

    Forum Game <Wish>

    Of course not, no hurt feelings on my side either.:cool:
  19. Criptex

    [game} Rename the person above you

    itchwar>> e.tch.guar.
  20. Criptex

    tarjeta de video:(

    una tarjeta de video? necesitas, o tienes problemas con ella? que es lo que pasa con la tarjeta de video? porfavor si pudieras ser un poco mas especifico... yo creo que tu post deberia de ir en la seccion de espanol general, porque si no... te van a seguir moviendo tus posts de lugar.