Search results

  1. Christopher

    i can not access to my cpanel Help!!

    Does it work now?
  2. Christopher

    Linking the Forum account to cPanel accout Register for a hosting account there.
  3. Christopher

    email still not working

    Does it work now?
  4. Christopher

    When Will My CPanel Account Become Active

    Currently ad-enhanced signups are being queued so we can cleanup the server.
  5. Christopher


    Ad-enhanced or ad-free?
  6. Christopher

    "link account" issue

    Did you signup for ad-enhanced?
  7. Christopher

    i got paid with donkeymails

    Please include a non-referral link.
  8. Christopher

    Account Activation

    Ad-Enhanced signups are currently being queued.
  9. Christopher

    PHP errors. Blacklisted. Cant use CB for Joomla! 1.5?

    Replace that code with the following and see if it works. function testIM(){ /* if($this->cbIsExecDisabled()){ //CB_FIXES: return false; // exec() is disabled, so give up } @exec('convert -version', $output, $status); if(!$status){ if(preg_match("/imagemagick[...
  10. Christopher domain not changing

  11. Christopher

    account activation

    Ad-enhanced signups are currently being queued.
  12. Christopher

    Problems accessing Email accounts

    Started it back up. You may want to change your email to run using Google Apps
  13. Christopher

    Can't post in my forum.

    Are you uploading any attachments?
  14. Christopher

    to get to the x10 website?

    Moved to Programming Help
  15. Christopher

    Please Delete Account - unable to link hosting account

    Moved to level two support
  16. Christopher

    My SQL Database Disk space limit?

    The databases count towards your overall disk space. They don't have a individual limit.
  17. Christopher

    Can't create addon domain

    Try now.
  18. Christopher

    Can't login into Hosting Account

    Please only make one support request. Closed
  19. Christopher

    Can't login into C-panel

    What is your cPanel username?
  20. Christopher

    Ads and iframe

    If it is present at all times the iframe is fine.