Search results

  1. Smith6612

    kindly reactivate my account

    This is just a High Resource Suspension issue. I'll unsuspend the account for you, but just as a heads up in the future, you can remove these kinds of suspensions from within your account panel at . If you get suspended again for High Resource Usage, double...
  2. Smith6612

    Help Required about wordpress installation

    Both Wordpress and Adsense Ads are acceptable to have on your account.
  3. Smith6612

    Enable Shell Access

    It isn't possible, unfortunately.
  4. Smith6612

    500 Internal server error

    Double check the file permissions for the installation using cPanel's file manager or FTP. Nothing should be set to 777. Folders should be set to 755 and files should be set to 644.
  5. Smith6612

    What is your favourite FTP Program?

    I use FileZilla. Great program to use.
  6. Smith6612

    Website down

    Your site is loading up on my end. Clear your Browser's cache and try again. It's possible you tried to view your site at a time when the server was performing some maintenance.
  7. Smith6612


    Visit if you haven't already and order a Premium Hosting package of your choosing. From there, once the account is made create a support ticket in the Ticket Section for Paid Hosting and request that your Free Hosting account be moved to your paid hosting account. I'm...
  8. Smith6612

    My Forum Crashed!

    At least for starters, somewhat difficult CAPCHAS as well as in the case of Wordpress, Akismet + Post Moderation helps out. My forum is configured, along with the x10 forum to present CAPCHAs to new members before they post for a certain amount of time, and to also require verification e-mails...
  9. Smith6612

    I want to know the name server

    Use and as your Nameservers
  10. Smith6612

    I am the only one who can access my site

    I am able to reach your website if I use this address: . Seems www. is causing an error. Don't know if something is going on, but the www. may start working again if you add it in as a CNAME inside of cPanel's DNS Zone Editor. Not sure if that still works, but it...
  11. Smith6612

    Please delete the following files stored in my file maneger.

    The issue isn't with your account. Something is just eating up some disk space on either the SAN or the main server cPanel runs on. It'll get addressed the moment someone with enough access to the server comes online.
  12. Smith6612

    Moving to paid hosting

    As for number 1, there isn't any discount for Free to Paid users, unless there is perhaps a promotion running which I don't believe there is. As for numbers 2-4, when you order Paid Hosting, you're moved to the Paid Servers and your site configuration and data will move with it. It's just like a...
  13. Smith6612


    The first thing you should look over would be your file permissions. You cannot have any files with a CHMOD or a permission of 777. This is done for security reasons. You should make sure your folders use a permission of 755, and your files use a permission of 644.
  14. Smith6612

    404 Not Found and CGI Error

    I don't know what you mean by CGI errors. Can you tell me how to reproduce that error you are receiving? The last I checked, CGI was disabled on Free Hosting though that may be changing soon. Otherwise, does the software you run on your site rely on the contents of a MySQL database? If that's...
  15. Smith6612

    Stoli MySQL Issue

    Use phpMyAdmin's "Export" function to back up the database. Each software might have different ways on how the database is suggested to be exported, so definitely look online for any software you're using to see what they suggest.
  16. Smith6612

    ATI/AMD Graphics or Nvidia

    Decent hardware, provided you already have the card can be gotten for $350-500. That isn't including a copy of Windows.
  17. Smith6612

    ATI/AMD Graphics or Nvidia

    Man I am just full of Typos lately. I meant to say 3. Sorry about that :( Anyhow, what you really need to run the video card the best is really just a decent motherboard and a strong power supply. You would also want a fast processor to go with the card so you aren't bogged down by games doing...
  18. Smith6612

    FireFox accessing the net Only by bookmarks.

    Just a quick question, does Internet Explorer show the same problem? If it does, I would look more at the system's connection settings (regarding the Proxy Server settings), especially if you were recently infected by Malware.
  19. Smith6612

    Stoli MySQL Issue

    Of course, back up your databases before you go around deleting them :)
  20. Smith6612

    the modern education system

    I honestly feel that the education system is just fine in my area. As for the schools, I suppose it depends on what part of the area you're at. Schools closer to the city tend to be a bit more chaotic and often times achieve lower grade point averages than the ones out in the suburbs or even...