Search results

  1. Brandon

    Corey Got married!!

    Her name is Kelly. I doubt you will, he is busy now. I didn't get invited and I live about that far away from him =p
  2. Brandon

    Corey Got married!!

    He's on his honey moon until the 23rd so he will be on very limited.
  3. Brandon

    x10 Rewards Returning Soon

    Go back on your honey moon.
  4. Brandon

    Magento Update

    I'll try to catch Corey next time he is online and then we can get this rolling. He is on his honey moon in Fiji at the moment.
  5. Brandon

    Hmmm... Promises?

    We are pushing everything back, as we are working on other things at the moment.
  6. Brandon

    In which month were you born?

  7. Brandon

    Suspended.. but then "Not Suspended"?

    I actually suggested it to you, but you thought it was DrTalon, and your welcome.
  8. Brandon

    Php Upgrade

    What is the file that's causing the error?
  9. Brandon


    It's 10-7-2008
  10. Brandon

    Facebook blacklists x10hosting domains!?

    Yes they do, I actually lost access to my Facebook due to this. It took me about 2 weeks to re-gain access after e-mailing there support, they can change it to another e-mail.
  11. Brandon

    Do I need the version 3 of PHP configuration for Community Builder?

    Try commenting the lines out and seeing if it'll work.
  12. Brandon

    When is Advanced Needed

    I have a fix for this, do you mind if I go ahead and apply it?
  13. Brandon

    You currently have an application pending for PHP version 3.

    I just went through all of the PHPv3 applications and didn't accept any, so the reason you provided doesn't provide enough information. And how would you go about checking a remote servers load with exec?
  14. Brandon

    I left you a visitor message like it said =p

    I left you a visitor message like it said =p
  15. Brandon


  16. Brandon

    Reinstall the whole SERVER!

    It's being looked into now. Reinstalling the server won't help.
  17. Brandon

    is absolut gettin' tired?

    Is everything working ok now? Also changing the wires won't help any bit, sorry.
  18. Brandon

    cant login

    It's ok, it is sort of confusing, sorry for any problems you may have experienced. Are you all set now?
  19. Brandon

    php help

    That's be from an SQL error. Have you tried running the queries through phpMyAdmin manually?
  20. Brandon

    cant login

    Are you using your forum username/password?