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  1. intertec

    ~~Easy 500 Credits~~

    Damn! Wish Australian users were allowed:(
  2. intertec

    Review my template!

    This is just a template I was making! Say anything you like or hate about it!
  3. intertec

    Need your help!

    I always hear people saying I'll buy your website if its coded! Well I'm a good graphic designer but I want to know how to code my site! So if anyone has a very good tutorial or anything please help me!
  4. intertec

    Big joomla problem!

    I'll see what happens! Edit: Nope! Still doesn't work!
  5. intertec

    How much for...

    How much will people make a full coded site for?
  6. intertec

    Earn easy 20 credits!

    Sending credits!
  7. intertec

    Big joomla problem!

    Stll ain't working!
  8. intertec

    Big joomla problem!

    Still doesn't work! Only works on internet explorer!
  9. intertec

    Big joomla problem!

    I uploaded a template to my site and didn't like it so I unistalled it and went back to my old one! Bt now the page loads with everything but pictures! Look for yourself! Please help! I spent too much time on this website!
  10. intertec

    How do you add paypal donate button into...

    How do you add paypal donate button into joomla! Cause I want it for nice people who are willing to donate!
  11. intertec

    Looking for staff!

    I'm looking for staff for my site- Obviously its about soccer! I'll be paying 50 credits per week! I need 3 staff members! Also you need to have knowledge about joomla,phpbb3 and soccer! - 2 publishers- I need two publishers who can make content frequently! (Needs...
  12. intertec

    250 credits for help!

    I have a free script that I want to put onto my website! My website is using joomla! So I want to how to put this code: <iframe src="" width="330" height="600" frameborder="0" scrolling="yes" name="myInlineFrame"> TEXT FOR NON-COMPATIBLE...
  13. intertec

    Custom Website Design

    Also! I have a question! What if we made the website! Would you code it for us for a price?
  14. intertec

    Earn easy 20 credits!

    Sending credits!
  15. intertec

    Earn easy 20 credits!

    Go to my site Register and comment here username registered with and get 20 credits! Edit: making it 50 credits now!
  16. intertec

    i want to buy some script

  17. intertec

    Need help!

    I will give 300 credits to someone who can give me good tutorial on how to make a template for wordpress or mambo!
  18. intertec

    Great News!!!

    Runescape lovers! Just in that runescape is getting new graphics! Critics have predicted that its getting better and soon it will be better then World of Warcraft! Before After
  19. intertec

    Giving 100 credits to person who helps!

    Thanks! Sending credits! Thread closed!