Search results

  1. intertec

    Looking for a job!

    I am looking fro any job! I will register on peoples websites, make a post or anything! I really need credits! So post and I'll see if I can do it!
  2. intertec

    Can't upload any files?

    Why can't I upload any files using ftp! It says disk is full! try later! What should I do?
  3. intertec

    How do you insert ads in e107 cms?

    The title says it all! Can someone tell me how to do that please! Thank you
  4. intertec

    Hoe to you insert ads in e107 cms?

    How to you insert ads in e107 cms? I want to know how to insert google adsense ads into e107? Can someone help me! Thank you
  5. intertec

    buyin web logo!

    I will give all my credits for a web logo! It has to be 412 pixels by 275 pixels! The word InterTech has to be in it! You can look at my site theme!
  6. intertec

    cPanel 11 and Ftp issue!

    My cPanel takes 10 minutes to load and my ftp client which is smartftp uploads files every 10 seconds! This just happend! My website loads really quickly! What is the problem and how can I fix it?