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  1. Livewire

    can i have my site unsuspended?

    Oh and just cause I love ramming my point home, let's go one more: How exactly did you think it wasn't nulled, and was by the original developers? I mean, don't get me wrong, I've been pretty dumb in the past, but it -says- null right in the name, and...
  2. Livewire

    Suspended due to ignorance Sorry :(

    It took you less than 5 days to violate the terms of service that even flat out says we strictly prohibit scripts such as rapidleech and torrentflux. This is a permanent suspension, you cannot be unsuspended or permitted further access to your hosting account of any kind for any reason.
  3. Livewire

    can i have my site unsuspended?

    Section 8 of the terms of service: If I seem like I'm being a jerk I apologize, but the first hint that the script wasn't legitimate should've been that the homepage for that script doesn't even load. Hard to say it came from the original developers when their own page won't load.
  4. Livewire

    can i have my site unsuspended?

    "price: forget it :)" When in doubt, get it from the original developers -only-. This did not come from them, and that's why we can't unsuspend you.
  5. Livewire

    can i have my site unsuspended?

    Nulled means you downloaded a warez copy of software. I've already checked the logs, and it's hard to swallow the "I didn't know" argument. It's tagged by the release group who nulled it, and their own information file indicates this as such. In any case, Warez is a permanent suspension that...
  6. Livewire

    Want to unsuspend my account

    There is no hosting account linked to your username; do you remember what the cpanel username was so we can see if it was erased?
  7. Livewire

    What is going on here?

    That, and this is not your own server. This is ours, and we explicitly disallow proxies. End of story, ticket closed, reopening it would be unwise.
  8. Livewire


    And thanks for giving me the name of some software that isn't filtered; I'll be filtering for it shortly.
  9. Livewire

    What is going on here?

    It's cause your proxy sucks and saves the page being viewed to the server. When it did this, it downloaded a 1:1 copy of the Facebook front page which isn't legal, and then suspended you for that. However, because the proxy is the only thing on the account, you've now been permanently...
  10. Livewire

    please grow up database to 5 number

    I'dve preferred you following the TOS personally; distributing a game that costs $5 is still warez, and the entire site is in persian. If you read the terms, persian is not a supported language (english, spanish, and french are). As such, this is a permanent suspension with no chance of being...
  11. Livewire


    I don't show any recent suspension on your account and your site is loading just fine.
  12. Livewire


    On what charge? Don't get me wrong, I'm more than happy to suspend an account, but if there's no TOS violation occurring I refuse to break the rules of my job.
  13. Livewire


    silvia.htm: ><title>Facebook</title> The contents of silvia.htm are a 1:1 copy of a page off of facebook, including the embedding of at least 4 stylesheets and other resources that should only be linked from a real facebook page. As this page is currently masquerading as facebook when your...
  14. Livewire


    Re-reviewing page now, please hold.
  15. Livewire

    Alert-alert - google de-indexed/banned all sub domains

    Finds 71,000 results, what's your point? It's not delisted.
  16. Livewire

    Remember mistakenly locked account CDMOD 7777!

    Vertexnet botnet script, and file hosting? The only "mistake" that could happen here is us unsuspending you. You will not be unsuspended for any reason, period.
  17. Livewire

    ToS Agreement

    The "no chat scripts" has since been removed after we moved to the SAN setup; for the flash arcade a new restriction was added, the games cannot use more than 1gb in total space. Based on some of the arcades I've seen on free though, you'd be surprised how many you can get into an arcade...
  18. Livewire

    Account suspended

    Fixed, was back from 7-1. The system unsuspended you, but failed to undo the changes to the .htaccess that were sending folks to the suspended page. That part's fixed and the website is back up and running. If it's giving other problems, let us know and we'll get them fixed too :)
  19. Livewire

    Account suspended

    Working on it, plz hold.