Search results

  1. Scott

    I want remove my account

    Please post in the correct forum. Closed.
  2. Scott

    Please unsuspend me

    Issue has been resolved. Closed.
  3. Scott

    upload how much

    How big is the file you are trying to upload?
  4. Scott

    DNS update.

    I'd recommend you add the domain as an addon domain.
  5. Scott

    Forum link not working.

    Closed. If issue is not resolved, Please open thread.
  6. Scott

    Php includes

    Closed. If issue is not resolved, Please open thread.
  7. Scott

    Problem with linking to other html docs

    The link would be: /about_us.html You do not need to include /public_html/
  8. Scott

    Asked to link to cpanel username on login

    Closed. If issue is not resolved, Please open thread.
  9. Scott

    ReSend Activation Email

    Closed. If issue is not resolved, Please open thread.
  10. Scott

    Cannot Access X10 Home page

    Closed. If issue is not resolved, Please open thread.
  11. Scott

    frequent downtime

    We are currently doing maintenance on the server that your on. Please stand by.
  12. Scott

    Account gone???

    Closed. If issue is not resolved, Please open thread.
  13. Scott

    cannot go ftp

    Closed. If issue is not resolved, Please open thread.
  14. Scott

    Please Help

    Please confirm you are entering the correct server ip, username, and password. If the problem still exists, Please open another thread. Closed.
  15. Scott

    Terminate My Account Pls..(I need to change to Ad Enhanced)

    Please post in the correct forum. Closed.
  16. Scott

    Asked to link hosting account

    Did you register for an Ad Enhanced account? If so, Your account will not be created until maintenance is over.
  17. Scott

    Stoli HTTP down.

    Closed. If issue is not resolved, Please open thread.
  18. Scott

    php mail()

    Closed. If issue is not resolved, Please open thread.
  19. Scott

    Site unusable

    Closed. If issue is not resolved, Please open thread.
  20. Scott

    cPanel Error!

    Issue solved.