Search results

  1. Scott

    A problem WIth Reg Please Help

    Closed. If issue is not resolved, Please open thread.
  2. Scott

    Http disabled??

    Closed. If issue is not resolved, Please open thread.
  3. Scott

    Are we allowed video?

    Closed. If issue is not resolved, Please open thread.
  4. Scott

    File Manager>WebRoot(public_html/www) Help!!!

    Closed. If issue is not resolved, Please open thread.
  5. Scott

    [Req][500 credits] PHP IRC Bot

    You might want this one, It's called Addar...
  6. Scott

    What's happening with Cossacks?

    I haven't seen any issues with Cossacks, I'll start monitoring it. Please reply back if you notice any services down.
  7. Scott

    I didnt get the confirmation email

    If you signed up ad enhanced, Your account will not be created until the maintenance is over.
  8. Scott

    Your subdomain is not working because you removed it from your account, Your TLD (Top Level Domain) is working, You may need to flush your DNS and clear you cache before it starts working correctly for you. It may take up to 72 hours for your ISP to update there DNS servers.
  9. Scott

    Please unsuspend me

    Please Private Message me your cPanel username, password, and a link to this thread.
  10. Scott

    Help viewing and uploading?

    Can you please Private Message me your cpanel username and password with a link to this thread?
  11. Scott

    Our name servers are: and This information exists in a sticky in this forum.
  12. Scott

    Stoli Issues

    We have been terminating inactive accounts on Stoli, I apologize for the downtime.
  13. Scott

    exim always down on stoli

    I apologize about this, I'm not exactly sure why its down a lot. I'll notify an administrator about the issue.
  14. Scott

    Account Suspension...

    Please post in the correct forum. Closed.
  15. Scott

    Boxers or Briefs?

    Neither, Low Rise Trunks ftw.
  16. Scott

    Can money buy true happiness?

    Can money buy true happiness? This question has came up several times while chatting with friends, I really don't think it can... What are your opinions on this question?
  17. Scott

    cancelantion of account

    Account was most likely not created, if you signed up for Ad Enhanced.
  18. Scott

    Stoli HTTP down.

    It's been fixed.
  19. Scott

    i need help!!!!

    You upload the file, I cannot assist you with the actual coding of the index file.
  20. Scott

    i need help!!!!
