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  1. papichulo_carioco

    Corporate Account Suspended

    There must be a problem with bill payments. The message says that you contact the payment service through your Account Panel
  2. papichulo_carioco

    Questions about TOS

    In the case of illegal or copyrighted material, you can not stay in x10Hosting either. By linking content of other pages that are not rapid, mega etc. I think it could be done. Regarding the other question. The scripts cron-jobs kind of can not run more than once every 24 hours. Otherwise, your...
  3. papichulo_carioco

    Selling other peoples advertising?

    Whenever the advertising does not violate the TOS x10Hosting, you are free to place advertising on your site you want. That yes, you should put x10Hosting advertising in the header so that the user does not have scrolling and to display on every page. Greetings ;)
  4. papichulo_carioco

    ¿Servicio VPS y hosting?

    Enhorabuena DarkisX, mejor no se puede explicar ;)
  5. papichulo_carioco

    ASP + mySQL connection problem

    Use http://yourdomain/cpanel or the port 2082 in your SQL sentence ;)
  6. papichulo_carioco

    How to use this site to host a website i have purchased

    First you must point your domain to x10Hosting. That will be done from the admin panel of your domain by setting the following DNS Then he should perform the process described above and wait about 48 hours for DNS to expand. If you say so and continued to...
  7. papichulo_carioco

    Account Update Mistake

    That you have to troubleshoot an AM or an admin. I move to the area of tickets. Have lucky;)
  8. papichulo_carioco

    lotus bug

    Yes, the bug is already reported in the Spanish area, Thanks ;
  9. papichulo_carioco

    Problem accessing control panel

    No, there is another which gives formasalvo through that port, because the address is processed using the search http://tudominio.con/cpanel same port. One of two, or else finds a way to skip that port blocking or you can not access the cpanel's from work;) Edit: Sorry, I forward the post
  10. papichulo_carioco

    cPanel Error 404?

    Pues prueba a hacerlo mediante y si no te funciona, pon un ticket en el área de soporte, ya que eso se escapa ya a mis conocimientos ;)
  11. papichulo_carioco

    Error establishing a database connection

    Well I can not think of anything, unless you restore a previous copy of the DB to work. Sometimes it gets corrupted. Unless you've tried to copy the DB directly from the local server, in which case you will fail because Word Press and the BD recording the details of your local server as...
  12. papichulo_carioco

    ;_; Site Timing Out

    Indeed, I am no judge. It was just a comment because there comes a time when there is no way of understanding what is the problem) I'm sorry if upset
  13. papichulo_carioco

    Error establishing a database connection

    Did you check his configuration file to verify that the name of the DB user name and password the BD are well written?
  14. papichulo_carioco

    Suddenly no connection to Mysql @ Stoli

    Also check your config.php and verify that the name of the Nomros user DB of the DB and the password of the latter are well written. Greattings ;)
  15. papichulo_carioco

    ;_; Site Timing Out

    Please do not spam. Reply with a word or phrases that do not provide anything is considered spam and admin can warn them
  16. papichulo_carioco


    Sorry, I did not know that rule. It will not happen
  17. papichulo_carioco

    Denada chico. Sólo prueba un mes con un método y al siguiente con el otro y luego has las pruebas ;)

    Denada chico. Sólo prueba un mes con un método y al siguiente con el otro y luego has las pruebas ;)
  18. papichulo_carioco

    ¿Quieres formar parte del equipo de x10?

    Pues no se hasta cuando reciban solicitudes, pero suelen tardar ya que los staff los eligen los administradores y se tienen que poner de acuerdo entre ellos ;) Ánimo que tu puedes conseguirlo ;)
  19. papichulo_carioco

    No pone límite. Pero siempre tardan ya que la decisión la tienen que tomar los administradores...

    No pone límite. Pero siempre tardan ya que la decisión la tienen que tomar los administradores en conjunto. Fed, Corey, y Alejandro sobretodo ;) Yo que tu haria los 100 post y enviaría el mp a Fed ;)
  20. papichulo_carioco

    Estafa en las gasolineras

    Pues no se pierde nada haciendo la prueba ;) Controlen un mes el gasto de gasolina con el método tradicional pidiendo que llenen el depósito y al mes siguiente comprueben la otra alternativa con los múltiplos de 20 en litros ;)