Search results

  1. Mitch

    Insane dive of 172 Feet!

    Nice video, i like it. How deep would that pool be? And would he get to the floor with his 172 foot dive?
  2. Mitch

    Hey guys!

    Hello toysoldiers, welcome to x10.
  3. Mitch

    What videocard is better?

    What videocard is better? GeForce 9800GTX 512MB or GeForce 8800GTS 512MB or GeForce 9800GT 1GB What would you choice? And what would give the highest FPS in games?
  4. Mitch

    Hello, world.

    Hi TylerJM, welcome to x10. :)
  5. Mitch

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    I ban Smith6612 because you only want to know good news.
  6. Mitch


    Hi, Auvee. Welcome to the forums.
  7. Mitch

    [game} Rename the person above you

    Smith6612 >> Likes PB because it kicks and pwns cheaters
  8. Mitch

    Game : Rank The Person Above>>>

    Smith6612 >> Super Soldier
  9. Mitch

    game: kill the above user

    I kill Smith6612 with X-fire. (because it rocks)
  10. Mitch

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    I ban Smith6612 because you don't ban people for the username if it isn't bad language.
  11. Mitch

    I'm new

    Hi wawuk, welcome to x10.
  12. Mitch

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    I ban Smith6612 because you don't ban V.I.P members, they are very important.
  13. Mitch

    game: kill the above user

    I kill Smith6612 by driving with my tank over his plane.
  14. Mitch

    Game : Rank The Person Above>>>

    Smith6612 >> Likes to blow up my tank.
  15. Mitch

    [game} Rename the person above you

    Smith6612 >> Sometimes A Console Gamer
  16. Mitch

    Olympics 2008

    I would say that the USA gets the most medels, but i am for my own country. So GO NETHERLANDS!!!
  17. Mitch


    Hello sunny123, welcome to x10!
  18. Mitch

    game: kill the above user

    I kill alexandgruntz by giving him a xfire account and deleting his msn / yahoo account.
  19. Mitch

    Game : Rank The Person Above>>>

    Smith6612 >> Also Likes his country.
  20. Mitch

    [game} Rename the person above you

    Smith6612 >> Mr. Gaming PC