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  1. carl6969

    30sec - 2min loading time

    Howdy; Your WordPress site is loading very quickly for me at this time. Only takes a couple of seconds. There may have been some kind of temporary issue that has been resolved. Please clear your browser cache and try again. If you need additional assistance just post back.
  2. carl6969


    Howdy; Review how and where you obtained your script or scripts. Did you obtain your script directly from the script owner / script owners website or a third party source? Is the script commercial software that requires a license or license key to legally use? If yes, did you legally obtain a...
  3. carl6969

    is something wrong with stoli?

    Howdy; I am able to access your website with no difficulty at this time. There may have been some temporary issue that has been resolved. Please clear our browser cache and try again. If you need farther assistance post back.
  4. carl6969

    My hosting account is terminated

    * Problem Solved - Thread Closed *
  5. carl6969


    Please do not open multiple threads about the same issue. This issue was addressed in your Previous Thread
  6. carl6969

    Account permantly suspended, however I need my files and Database.

    First, you lost your site due the fact that you violated the terms of service, (which you agreed to at signup), by uploaded a nulled script. Apparently you also failed to backup your own files and keep a local copy of that backup which is ALWAYS a good idea. It is entirely your fault and your...
  7. carl6969

    Help and info

    Your account will be automatically terminated and deleted after a minimum of 14 days have past. We do not delete forum accounts.
  8. carl6969

    Regarding Account Suspension

    Howdy; You are fully responsible for the content of your own account. This other person has caused your account to be permanently suspended for a zero tolerance violation of the terms of service.
  9. carl6969

    I want to update my domain please !

    Yes, your account is permanently suspended for a zero tolerance violation of the terms of service. It will not be unsuspended. Can you please try to explain more clearly what you mean by "I want my domain update"? Thanks.
  10. carl6969

    I want stoli !

    Howdy; If you are requesting that your account be moved to another server that is not possible. Otherwise, please try to state your question or comment more clearly. Thanks.
  11. carl6969

    file transfer query

    How To Upload Files To Your Website
  12. carl6969

    Awesome, but how 0_0

    Actually, it is "unmetered" - not "infinite", meaning there is no preset hard limit in place.
  13. carl6969

    Problems on setting up web hosting

    Well, the biggest problem is that your account has been permanently suspended for for a nulled vBulletin. Zero tolerance violation of the terms of service.
  14. carl6969

    acount suspended

    No joke. Multiple violations of the terms of service which you agreed to at signup. Your account will remain permanently suspended. You will not be allowed access to your files.
  15. carl6969

    Hi from Spain

    Howdy! I have a made a few posts in these forums...... :)
  16. carl6969

    Un Suspend My Account

    There is nothing that you can do to resolve the issue now. You have admitted that you do not have a valid license for vB. Your account will remain permanently suspended. And this discussion has become a waste of the time of community helpers so I am closing the thread.
  17. carl6969

    Un Suspend My Account

    In that case there is nothing else to discuss. Your account will not be unsuspended.
  18. carl6969

    Un Suspend My Account

    Do you have a valid license number for vB? Yes or no. If not, your account will remain permanently suspended and there is nothing that can be done to resolve the issue.
  19. carl6969

    Un Suspend My Account

    As Anna stated; "Your account can only be unsuspended if you provide your license number for vBulletin, we will verify it with them to make sure it is legit." We will not be deleting any offending folders or files in order to resolve the issue.
  20. carl6969

    Name Server

    Howdy; Nameservers are: