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  1. masshuu

    Delete Account

    so i don't need my free hosting account anymore. You may delete it. cPanel name: masshuku
  2. masshuu

    Additional Changes

    ooooh god think about the support tickets in a month, but who cares about people who don't read the ToS?
  3. masshuu

    Website shows no output

    you need to register the domain through, x10 ins't affiliated with them. Make sure your scripts are in the www or public_HTML folders
  4. masshuu

    suspended acc

    If its been longer than 24 days than your accounts probably gone, you'll need to make a new account. If you login here with your account info, if your account still exists, you can probably unsuspend yourself,
  5. masshuu

    Lotus Extremely Slow...

    ah that explains allot
  6. masshuu

    Lotus Extremely Slow...

    I was gonna say my site loads fine, but then it stopped loading.
  7. masshuu

    Inactivity suspension

    make sure you login to the forums for several minutes, then un-suspend your self. Also note that if you have multiple forum accounts(which you shouldn't) you must login to the one tied to your account
  8. masshuu

    PHP Profiler

    So I'm bored, and i decided to make a php profiler for people wno want to know why there site is slow or they keep getting suspended for resource usage. Right now you need to manually add the line tags and such, but i plan to make another script that parses the php file and modify it to add...
  9. masshuu

    main domain

    You can park your domain, and you can also set it as the main account domain via: just make sure you set your nameservers(you may need to wait up to 48 hours for it to take effect) or set an A record. Also note that some php scripts(like some versions of...
  10. masshuu

    keeping text files & personal bookmarks in protected directory i would also like to note that unlike a real backup service, x10 doesn't guarantee backups if something bad happens. Best bet would be to buy a 4GB pen drive for like $15 for any form of backups. So while i'm going to lean toward the side of "I wouldn't do it", i...
  11. masshuu

    can't install nothing...?

    I would like to note that i helped him out in IRC and the issue is with the servers zlib compression functions.
  12. masshuu

    To Server Admin and/or Corey

    While i directly addressed Corey in IRC ( Corey: Message ) he might be busy and or away, so this is to whoever sees it first that can fix it. Currently using softaculous XMB doesn't work(haven't tried installing it manually, but would probably also probably get the same effect) In IE, IE just...