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  1. DefecTalisman

    MySQL error!

    Every time I restart my Windows Vista and try and use MySQL command line i get an ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061) If i redo the config wizzard and then try it allows me. Doing this everytime is a mission.
  2. DefecTalisman

    Ice VS Jell-o VS Liquid

    What in your opinion is better? A example of an ICE page is my link in my sig. (very basic) This forum is a good example of a Jell-o page. Here is a great example of a liquid page that sticks to the 35ems rule. (not done by me...
  3. DefecTalisman

    Setting up a localhost for beginers(me)!

    Apache 2.0.5x(not 2.4 as it has trouble with the php module *.dll); php5; activestate perl5.8.x; MySQL. Setup and running in 15mins with the help of the following tutorials. Apache, php, MySQL: perl/cgi...
  4. DefecTalisman

    Database GUI

    What is the best GUI to use for databases, specificly MySQL. I have Database Workbench, also have Interbase and Firebird. Interbase has its own GUI and could use for MySQL. I have only ever done maintenance on Interbase and Firebird Db's and never started a database from scratch. What do you use?
  5. DefecTalisman

    Just lost credits?

    I had 535 in one post, i then quick posted and now have 533? Does it cost credits to quick post?
  6. DefecTalisman

    Apache server version 2.2.4

    1stly does anyone know how caompatible this version is with vista? Its the latest version i know of. 2ndly the default index.html is only this now: IT WORKS ! ? ? ? Edit: Ok, I installed it anyway and it seems to work fine so far. NB: please dont take my word for it, only installed and...
  7. DefecTalisman

    Starcraft II

    Only 12 years later, the sequal arives. Starcraft II (nice page) I have played it since 1995 and still play at least twice a week. There is still no game that I see as balanced. Cant wait till the release of no. 2.
  8. DefecTalisman


    Client & server side includes. Is it posible for a php script to call a perl script? eg: <?php requier "*.pl" ?> *.pl #!/usr/bin/perl -wT Would this tell the server to change the command line to perl?
  9. DefecTalisman

    What is this for(screenshot)

  10. DefecTalisman

    Reinventing the wheel

    Ok, this could go deep. But let me scratch at the surface anyway. Is it wrong to reinvent something? I think using the wheel is a bad example. Seeing it is something that couldn't be any better and has no flaws. A better example would be the combustion engine.
  11. DefecTalisman

    Ok, its sorted

    Previuose post was regarding a script, that wasn't wotking. Silly me again, the reason it didn't work(bar a few undeclaired vars) was that I changed the cookie info and when it got the old cookie back it couldn't find the ino... doh! But yippie, I made my own (dont know what to call it) site...
  12. DefecTalisman

    Feedback, please

    This is the futhest I have gone with a uploaded page. Any feedback or comments would be greatly appreciated. The login system has 4lvls of auth. guest user mod admin to loggin as user...
  13. DefecTalisman

    This sux, a day wasted!

    Really upset, spent the whole day yesterday working on a script to have 4 lvls of authority... admin, mod, usr, guest... It dont work when i upload it, but does locally? ? ? If anyone could look at it and give me an idea as to why then just let me know so i can send the source code. The...
  14. DefecTalisman

    Help, please. But dont laugh!

    I was hopping to sort this out today. Where must i upload an image to display on my page? I tried putting them in "/cgi-bin/img/". They didnt display. So i moved them to "/public_http/img/" and changed all links. But now the http service is sown, so i cant test. Should this work, am I doing...
  15. DefecTalisman

    Embedding code in to images!

    I was searching for the perl moduleImag::button and found an post on this. He claims he can embedd code into an image. Is this still pos?
  16. DefecTalisman

    uhm... where did it go?

    Help... Where is my page? When i go to it i get a x10 advetising screen. The server was down and then when it came back up i got this. When chicng via FTP everything is still there? Whats the catch?
  17. DefecTalisman

    HTTP up or down?

    Hmm... when I check in the cPanel, HTTPd is down. But when I check in the forum "services up/down". it says otherwise? ? ? Uhm... Whats it to be then ? If its not, then whats the 500 error i am getting? Edit: Ok, now it says down... doh!
  18. DefecTalisman

    Any help with perl CGI

    I am having troubles creating a login screen. I can set and retrieve cookies. Should i be using the object orientated CGI rather than the standard?
  19. DefecTalisman

    Hmm... think i did something wrong... !

    :dunno: I was testing something on the server, it worked for a while. Then slowly parts of my page stopped working and now nothing ! :rant2: Anyone able to tell me whats going on? (I know the login isn't working properly.) Edit: Now its there...
  20. DefecTalisman

    Help regarding cookies !

    Ok, I can send and recieve cookies via the browser using perl. The user can go to many different pages in that browser and then rutrn to my script and the cookie data remains. But when the browser is closed or the user uses another instance of a browser the cookie is no longer. The...