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  1. Gouri

    link my account

    What is the primary domain associated to the basial hosting account.
  2. Gouri

    can I have two account?

    Yes you can ask for delete account. If you already requested then wait for some time so the request will be processed. If not then fill this form
  3. Gouri

    wordpress database seems to be empty

    Can you check the DBHost is set to localhost in your wp-config.php file Then Take the back up first goto cpanel and click on "mysql databases" Then click on the "database user" associated to your wordpress database in the current databases table and give all the privileges.
  4. Gouri

    can I have two account?

    No, Only one free account is allowed
  5. Gouri

    is drop database syntax denied?

    No, I don't have access to server but I can forward this thread to staff so they can resolve the issue.
  6. Gouri

    Unable to Log In

    Did you tried the cpanel link from account panel Click on "view details" link of the free hosting account. Then click on "login to cpanel" button.
  7. Gouri

    is drop database syntax denied?

    How many databases you have and which one you want to drop?
  8. Gouri

    is drop database syntax denied?

    Can you tell us what exactly the error you are getting when you give the drop database command?
  9. Gouri

    Hosting Account Signup Failure (Error Code 0899F926)

    Try again with the username which contains only characters and numbers and the username should not start with number.
  10. Gouri

    is drop database syntax denied?

    Can you check whether the database is still available in your phpmyadmin?
  11. Gouri

    is drop database syntax denied?

    Goto the Cpanel and click on MySql Databases and then delete the database.
  12. Gouri

    Unable to Login to C-Panel

    Your site is loading fine to me. Login to cpanel using
  13. Gouri

    Forgot CPanel Password

    It appears to be your forum and hosting account unlinked. Informed to staff have patience.
  14. Gouri

    Forgot CPanel Password

    Login to Account panel and reset the cpanel password. Bytheway can you see the hosting account in your account panel?
  15. Gouri

    Community Helpers vs Normal Members

  16. Gouri

    Suspended Account

    The nulled scripts comes under Zero tolerance policy, So your account can not be unsuspended.
  17. Gouri

    Site is not working

    Confirm that your database host is localhost in e107_config.php then Login to cpanel and open mysql databases In "Current Databases" click on user associated to database and give all the privileges and save changes.
  18. Gouri

    Post your specs

    Processor: AMD Phenom X4 64-bit 9650 @ 2.3GHz Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-MA78GM RAM: 4GB (2x2GB) Corsair XMS2 DDR2 800MHz. Hard drive: Western Digital Caviar Black 1TB + Western Digital Caviar Green 1TB + Seagate 500GB Optical Drive : Lite-on 20X DVD-RW PSU : Corsair TX-750W Cabinet ...
  19. Gouri


    The old password it is asking is for the one account with which you logged into Account panel. Ex: If you want to change the cpanel password So you logged in to Account panel, Say with Forum Login. Then the old password will be the forum password. That is why when you change the...
  20. Gouri

    Thought this was a bug with the new server...

    It is not a bug. It is the default setting of the new Cpanel 11.25 version.